IMP 1- 9/23 (P) 9/24 (W) Warm up- DO Negative Integer/ Finding Rules Practice Worksheet Students will be called at random to present their work Be prepared- work together with your group to make sure you understand!
Due today Purple classes - worksheet on negative integers White classes - polygon worksheet Be prepared to present your work to the class. Students will be called randomly.
Objective - Students will be able to recognize patterns in non-linear in/out tables
Agenda Warm Up/Binder Check Homework presentations- Negative Integers/Polygon Worksheet Polygon Worksheet, pg. 37 Angular Summary, pg. 38 Squares and Scoops, pg. 40 Exit Quiz
Negative Integer Worksheet Purple Classes Students will be called at random to present their work on “What should you do……” worksheet Be ready to explain your answers using hot/cold cube model
Binder Check Please grade your own binder Trade your binder with a group member and comment on your neighbor’s binder What is good? In what area could they improve?
Polygon Angles, pg. 37/worksheet Make an in/out table as your work, showing your results All angle sums are multiples of 180 degrees, but WHAT multiple? How does it relate to the number of sides of the polygon? Students present
Polygon Angles REVIEW Why should the triangle sum for quadrilaterals be exactly twice that for triangles? How can we use this argument to explain a formula for a general polygon? Given your results, what might be a conjecture for the angle sum for a 10-sided polygon? 12-sided? 100- sided?? An n-sided? Is there a general formula for connecting the IN to the OUT?
An angular summary, pg. 38 Regular polygon All angles have equal size and all sides have the same length pentagonA 5- sided polygon octagonAn 8- sided polygon
Squares and Scoops, pg. 40 These patterns are very common in math. Work through # 1 and # 2 THINK- individual time Quietly read the problem and think to yourself about patterns you see. Do # 1. PAIR Now talk with a partner- ask them, “what did you do?” “how did you get that?” “can you explain your thinking?” SHARE- groups share results
Squares and Scoops Debrief, pg. 40 Does anyone see a “zigzag” pattern in the table? Is 1.5 an appropriate input for either table? What do you call the set of possible inputs for an in/out table? What other examples have you seen in which only certain inputs were allowed?
Squares and Scoops, pg. 40 A bit of math notation…. Summation notation: add all the whole numbers starting with 4 and ending at 6 Factorial notation means multiply all the whole numbers from the number down to 1… 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 Consecutive Product notation: multiply all the whole numbers starting at 3 and ending at 6
Another In-Outer, pg. 41 Vocabulary Review Add to vocabulary section in your binder: FunctionA rule for determining the numerical value of one variable in terms of another DomainSet of values that can be used as inputs for a given function
Exit Quiz Summarize at least 2 strategies you used to find a rule for in/out tables. Give an example. You may use your CW notes. i.e. You could answer these questions, “how did you start?” “what did you do when you got stuck?” “how did you help your group?”
Final instructions HOMEWORK -due next class Purple classes- finish “what should you do…” All classes- finish Polygon worksheet Put the following in your group folder …. Which side????? LEFT, LEFT, always on the LEFT Homework due today- purple classes- pg. 36 white classes- “What should you do….” CW- Squares and Scoops/ Another In-Outer EQ