Welcome to Year 4
A little bit about us… Mr Williams Teaching assistants: Mrs Haylock (HLTA) Friday mornings Mrs Cain, Mrs Benson, Mrs Cox and Miss Carr
Daily Routines / Timetables HOMEWORK Homework given out Wednesday, handed in following Monday Times table and division facts given on Monday, tested on Friday Spellings given on Friday, tested following Friday Reading Log given out Wednesday, handed in following Monday CLASS TIMETABLE PE on Monday and Friday Swimming on Thursday Good Work on Wednesday
What your child needs to have in school Indoor PE Kit is white t-shirt, black/red shorts and pumps Outdoor PE Kit is the same but with trainers, tracksuit and cagoule if possible Children don’t need their own stationary Water bottle No mobiles of other electronic devices No large bags EVERYTHING THAT YOUR CHILD BRINGS IN SHOULD BE NAMED!
New Curriculum Core subjects; English, Maths and Science Foundation subjects; Art, Computing, Design & Technology, Foreign Languages, Geography, History, Music and Physical Education Creative curriculum teaches many subjects as part of one topic e.g. Rise of the Robots Outdoor learning
New Curriculum Higher expectations Maths; greater focus on arithmetic skills, fractions and larger numbers English; greater focus on grammar and spelling
New Curriculum New maths objectives Supporting Learning
No more levels The three new categories are; exceeding year group expectations, achieving year group expectations and working towards year group expectations Assessment is on-going throughout the year Daily marking uses THINK PINK and GO GREEN Assessment
Home/School Partnership Please encourage children with their homework Reinforce behaviour and rules when on school grounds Teacher should be the 1 st point of contact with any issues Please make an appointment
Independence and Responsibility Encourage your child to show you letters and return information Use the red box Promote table manners and social skills at home Waiting in line and not interrupting
Parental support How can you help your school? Get involved with PTFA events e.g. Christmas Fair Help with school trips Be a parent helper Participate in school events e.g. Jumpmania Assist with sports day
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