District Learning Day March 7, 2015 Journeys and Literacy Work Stations for ELLs Overton High School Lauren Sullivan
Objectives ESL teachers will: Know where to find resources for planning and implementing literacy work stations. Understand how literacy work stations support the district’s vision for school and student success with D2025 and CLIP. Be able to Do Plan for and manage literacy work stations that are aligned with language and content objectives. Re-envision the design of rigorous instruction for ELLs as a curriculum that prepares ELL to meet the demands of CCSS. Communicate and collaborate with mainstream teachers regarding the integration of language and content objectives within a lesson. Effectively share the vision and key elements of the CLIP with immigrant parents.
Norms Be present and engaged Be respectful of differences in perspective while challenging each other productively and respectively Monitor “air time” Make the most of the time we have Stay focused on students
Guiding Questions Why should we do literacy work stations? How can I use Journeys resources to implement work stations in my ESL classroom? What are some tools that I could use to plan meaningful and purposeful practice for my ESL students?
The Gradual Release of Responsibility (to introduce or reinforce a new skill) Teacher Responsibility Student Responsibility I do it. We do it. They do it (together). You do it (independent of the teacher). Guided Collaborative Independent From Literacy in the Content Areas
PreK-3 Block and Instructional Design Required time frame – 50 minutes Reading PreK – 90 minutes Reading K-3 – 30 minutes Writing K-3 Grouping structures aligned to purpose Gradual release of responsibility: “I do, we do, they do, you do” Students actively involved ReadingELA/Writing Core (Grade-Level Instruction for All Students) Whole Group Explicit instruction on reading skills and strategies; collaborative reading of text Modeled and shared writing; modeling writing skills Small Group Homogeneous and heterogeneous groupings; practice and apply skills Independent and group writing; practice and apply skills Whole Group Closure and assessment Closure, assessment, sharing of student work From Literacy in the Content Areas
4-5 Block and Instructional Design Required time frame – 90 minutes Reading – 30 minutes Writing Grouping structures aligned to purpose Gradual release of responsibility: “I do, we do, they do, you do” Students actively involved ReadingELA/Writing Core (Grade-Level Instruction for All Students) Whole Group Explicit instruction on skills and strategies; collaborative reading of text Explicit instruction on skills and strategies; sharing exemplars Small Group Homogeneous and heterogeneous groupings; practice and apply skills Engagement in the writing process; practice and apply skills Whole Group Closure and assessment Closure, assessment, sharing of student work From Literacy in the Content Areas
Special Considerations When working with the ELL who also have identified learning disabilities, it is necessary to consult with the Special Education teacher. Special considerations and/or accommodations may help to fully engage the ELL in language development. 8
Overcoming Obstacles clear objectives for stations common thread across stations in a given day meaningful, collaborative work clear and consistent routines
What resources are available to implement literacy work stations? Debbie Diller, 2003 Helman, Baer, et al, 2011 Gail Boushey/Joan Moser, 2006
Planning for Work Stations Use data to plan your language and content objectives. Collaborate with mainstream teachers. Share objectives with students. Write objectives on planning documents and include them near the directions for each station.
Areas of Effective Literacy Instruction Effective adolescent literacy instruction includes focused work in: Word study Fluency Vocabulary Comprehension Writing Motivation From Literacy in the Content Areas
How do The Daily 5 stations align with the CLIP?
Turn and Talk What stations do you already have set up? Which stations would you like to add or change?
Beyond Appearances It’s not about how students are arranged; it’s about the work in which they are engaged. Is instruction…? Purposeful Rigorous Differentiated to meet student needs Consistent with evidence-based practice Aligned to TEM standards? From Literacy in the Content Areas
Literacy Work Stations in Action Word Work Independent Reading
Literacy Work Stations in Action Writing Listening
Journeys Resources Listening Put icons on your desktop so they can find them easily Journeys student ebook Reading ELL Graphic Organizer Grab and Go: Weekly Lesson Booklets Journeys Write in Readers Journeys Vocabulary Readers Journeys ELL Readers
Writing Word Work Grab and Go: Weekly Lesson Booklets: oral language chant (working in context) Writing Prompt: ELL reader black line master Grab and Go: Printable Resources: Journeys Projectables and organizers (grammar practice) Printable Teacher Edition: Focus Wall: Phonics, Vocabulary Grab and Go :Weekly Lesson Booklets: Practice (look for the diamond) Journeys Spelling Cards and Vocabulary Word Cards Lanternfish esl.com Frayer models from the vocabulary cards
Read to Someone Teachers use data to plan small group lessons. Students meet with the teacher to work in small groups or one on one. Journeys resources for foundational skills ELL readers and other materials Assessment (running records, sight words, etc.)
Management/Rotation Board Expectations 1. Clip your name to your station. 2. Stay at your station the whole time. 3. Clean up materials when it is time to leave. 4. Come to the table quickly when I call your name.
Accountability Tracker practice pages Vocabulary boxes one.org game one.org Imagine Learning Listen to the Anchor Text Complete reading log Writing prompt Smart board practice page Meeting with Teacher This week I am working on ____________ ____________ ____________ ELL Reader Complete graphic organizer
Rigorous, Collaborative Activities Florida Center for Reading Research theteachaholic.blogspot.com tothesquareinch.wordpress.com
Reflections, Questions Why should we do literacy work stations? How can I use Journeys resources to implement work stations in my ESL classroom? What are some tools that I could use to plan meaningful and purposeful practice for my ESL students?
Group Activity Listening Reading Word Work Writing Small Group Instruction
Two Stars and a Wish Share two stations or strategies you will most likely use in your ESL classroom. Share one station or strategy you would like to know more about.