Mycobacteria Stained by Ziehl Neelsen stain Mycobacteria is a genus within the order Actinomycetales The main cause of human Tuberculosis (TB) 1- M. tuberculosis 2-M.bovis Mycobacteria are Gram-positive, although they do not take gram staining well due high lipid contents of their cell wall . Stained by Ziehl Neelsen stain Acid fast bacilli ( resistance to decolorization by acids during staining procedures) Mycobacterial cell walls are unusual in that they are approximately 60% lipid, including a unique class of very long-chain, hydroxylated fatty acids (mycolic acids).
Mycobacteria Aerobic bacilli-non spore forming Non motile ,rod shape Intracellular parasite Mycobacteria are also resistant to drying, but not to heat or ultraviolet irradiation non capsulated Very slow growing and grow well on media containing egg proteins ( Lowenstein-Jensen medium (L-J) Cultures must be incubated for three to six or eight weeks at 37 oC.
Lowenstein-Jensen medium
Epidemiology Patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis shed large numbers of organisms by coughing Because of resistance to desiccation, the organisms can remain viable for a long time. Transmission by inhalation of the aerosol, repeated or prolonged contact is usually required for transmission M.bovis can be transmitted through ingestion of unpasteurized milk
Tuberculosis Transmission When people suffering from active pulmonaryTB can transmitt it through droplet infect coughs, sneeze, speak, or spit
Pathogenicity After being inhaled, mycobacteria reach the alveoli, where they multiply in the pulmonary epithelium or macrophages. Within 2-4weeks, many bacilli are destroyed by the immune system, but some survive and are spread by the blood to extrapulmonary sites. when the organism engulfed by macrophages, bacterial sulfolipids inhibit the fusion of phagocytic vesicles with lysosomes.
Clinical significance Tuberculosis There are two major patterns of the disease: 1-Primary tuberculosis Occurs in a person who has first contact with the organism usually acquired via the respiratory tract In majority of cases the infection becomes arrested and the tubercle undergoes fibrosis and calcification Alternatively, if the lesion breaks down, the caseous material is discharged, and the infection spread to other organs active tubercles may develop throughout the body ( miliary tuberculosis)
Clinical significance (cont’d) 2-Secondary tuberculosis: seen mostly in adults as a reactivation of previous infection (or reinfection) This is usually caused by M. tuberculosis that has survived in a dormant primary tubercle lesion pulmonary sites are most common, particularly the lung apices where high oxygen tension favors mycobacterial growth. Bacterial populations in such lesions often become quite large and many organisms are shed (for example, in sputum). Reactivation is apparently caused by an impairment in immune status AIDS common preconditions.
Clinical significance (cont’d)) Extra-pulmonary TB It is tuberculosis of organs other than the lungs, such as lymph nodes, abdomen, genitourinary tract, skin, joints and bones, meninges .
Tuberculosis Symptoms Coughing up blood Excessive sweating, especially at night 3-Fatigue 4-Fever especially at night 5-Weight loss 6-Breathing difficulty
Laboratory diagnosis 1-Specimen . sputum , urine ..etc 2-Microscopic exam ZN stain –acid fast bacilli 3-Culture on LJ medium. .It should be followed for 4-8 weeks before discard .
Acid fast bacilli (M.tuberculosis) isolated from a patient sputum
M.tuberculosis , isolated from a patient sputumon LJ medium
Laboratory diagnosis of Mycobacterium 4- DNA probes. 5-chest X-ray 6-Tuberculin test.
Tuberculin Test (Montoux test ) It is a delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) to tuberculoprotein. Performed by intradermal injection with PPD that is read 48 to 72 hours later. Positive test appears as indurations of 10 mm or more accompanied by erythema No indurations indicates a negative reaction.
Tuberculin test
Tuberculin test
Treatment Always involve a combination of many drugs (usually four drugs) The most commonly used drugs include: Isonizid Rifampin Pyrazinamide Para-aminosalicylic acid Streptomycin
Prevention Public health measures such as tuberculin tests, chest radiographs, case registries, and contact tracing have done much to control tuberculosis at the population level. Latent TB chemotherapy: For individuals who are tuberculin-positive but asymptomatic, chemotherapy is indicated in several situations A vaccine against tuberculosis (BCG),
Mycobacterium leprae Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous condition of peripheral nerves and mucocutaneous tissues , particularly the nasal mucosa Leprosy caused by Mycobacterium leprae Pathogenicity: M. leprae is transmitted from human to human through prolonged contact; for example, between exudates of a leprosy patient's skin lesions and the abraded skin of another individual
Clinical significance Leprosy : occurs as a continuum between two clinical extremes: Tuberculoid Lepromatous leprosy In tuberculoid leprosy, the lesions occur as large maculae (spots) in cooler body tissues such as skin (especially the nose, outer ears, and testicles), and in superficial nerve endings. Neuritis leads to patches of anesthesia in the skin. The patient mounts a strong cell-mediated immune response and develops delayed hypersensitivity lepromatous leprosy: is slow but progressive Large numbers of organisms are present in the lesions and reticuloendothelial system, and immunity is severely depressed
Diagnosis M. leprae is an acid-fast bacillus -Acid-fast stained scrapings or skin biopsy
Treatment and prevention Several drugs are effective in the treatment of leprosy, including sulfones such as dapsone, rifampin, and clofazamine combined therapy is necessary to ensure the suppression of resistant mutants. vaccination with BCG
Spirochetes Spirochetes are long, slender, motile, flexible, undulating, gram-negative bacilli that have a characteristic corkscrew or helical shape Have a unique structure that is responsible for motility Spirochetes that are important human pathogens are confined to three genera 1- Genus Treponema 2- Genus Borellia 3-Genus Leptospira
Structural Features of Spirochetes
Treponema T.pallidum that cause a disease known Syphilis is extremely fastidious and fragile. cannot be cultured routinely in the laboratory, and is sensitive to disinfectants, heat, and drying. T. pallidum is so thin that it cannot be observed by light microscopy, but requires immunofluorescent or dark-field techniques Secrete hyaluronidase, an enzyme that disrupts ground substance, and probably facilitates dissemination of the organism.
Pathogenesis Transmission of T. pallidum by Sexual contact Transplacentally (congenital syphilis). A break in the skin,
Clinical significance Syphilis: Syphilis occurs in three stages Primary stage Secondary stage A tertiary stage 1-Primary stage: The first symptom is a hard genital or oral ulcer (chancre) that develops at the site of inoculation. This primary lesion heals spontaneously, but the organism continues to spread throughout the body via the lymph and blood. followed by the
Clinical significance ( cont’d) 2-Secondary stage. This stage is characterized by the appearance of a red, maculopapular rash on almost any part of the body, Also present are pale, moist, flat papules seen primarily in the anogenital region (condylomata lata), armpits, and mouth. Both primary and secondary lesions are extremely infectious. secondary stage may be accompanied by, hepatitis, meningitis, nephritis, or chorioretinitis. Upon healing of the secondary lesions, the disease enters a latent period that can last for many years
Maculopapular rash on almost any part of the body,
Flat papules
Clinical significance ( cont’d) 3-A tertiary stage, In approximately 40% of infected individuals, the disease progresses to a tertiary stage, characterized by degeneration of the nervous system, cardiovascular lesions such as aneurysms, and granulomatous lesions (gummas) in the liver, skin, and bones.
Congenital syphilis T. pallidum can be transmitted through the placenta to a fetus after the first 10-15wks of pregnancy. Infection can cause death and spontaneous abortion of the fetus or cause it to be stillborn. Infected infants who live develop a condition similar to secondary syphilis, including a variety of central nervous system (CNS) and structural abnormalities. Treatment of the pregnant mother with appropriate antibiotics prevents congenital syphilis
Laboratory identification Although treponemal spirochetes from primary and secondary lesions can be detected microscopically using immunofluorescent stain or dark-field illumination syphilis is usually diagnosed serologically
Treatment and prevention One single treatment with penicillin is curative for primary and secondary syphilis In cases of patient sensitivity to penicillin, erythromycin or tetracyclines may also be effective There is no vaccine against T. pallidum prevention depends on safe sexual practices
Borrelia B. burgdorferi causes Lyme disease B. recurrentis causes relapsing fever Members of the genus Borrelia are relatively large spirochetes that, like Treponema, have endoflagella that make them highly motile Borrelia species are unusual among bacteria in that they have linear rather than circular plasmid and chromosomal DNA.
Pathogenesis Lyme disease is caused by the spirochete B. burgdorferi Transmitted by the bite of a small tick Mice and other small rodents serve as primary reservoirs for the spirochete Deer and other mammals serve as hosts for the ticks.
Clinical significance Lyme disease occurs in three stages The first stage: begins 3 to 32 days after a tick bite, when characteristic red, circular lesion with a clear center appears at the site of the of the bite Flulike symptoms The organism spreads via the lymph or blood
Clinical significance ( cont’d) Second stage begins, Weeks to months after the onset of the disease with symptoms such as arthritis, arthralgia, cardiac complications, and neurologic complications such as meningitis. Third stage begins months to years later (2nd stage) with the appearance of chronic arthritis and, in a small number of patients, progressive CNS disease
Borrelia recurrentis B. recurrentis Causes relapsing fever characterized by several cycles of apparent recovery, each followed by a relapse. B. recurrentis able to change its surface protein antigens. This ability accounts for the relapsing nature of the disease because with each relapse a new antigenic variant arises.
Pathogenesis & Clinical significance Relapsing fever, is transmitted body lice symptoms : abrupt onset of high fever, headache, muscle pain, and general malaise. Abundant spirochetes are present in the blood, during febrile period, . The fever abates along with the number of spirochetes. Apparent recovery ,followed by a recurrence of the initial symptoms. There are many recurrences, generally with decreasing severity. In fatal cases, the spirochete invades many organs of the body (heart, spleen, liver, kidney), with death generally due to myocarditis
Diagnosis and treatment Diagnosis is usually based on the appearance of Giemsa Tetracyclines, erythromycin, and penicillin have proven effective treatments No vaccines are available, and prevention is best accomplished by protecting against lice.
Leptospira Interrogans L. interrogans infection causes the disease leptospirosis leptospirosis occurs worldwide (under various local names, such as infectious jaundice, marsh fever, Weil disease, and swineherd's disease), Leptospirosis is essentially an animal disease that is coincidentally transmitted to humans: primarily by water or food contaminated with animal urine via small skin abrasions or the conjunctiva
Diagnosis and treatment diagnosis is usually based on serologic agglutination tests and visual demonstration of the spirochetes in urine, blood, or cerebrospinal fluid. Penicillin or doxycycline is useful if administered during the first stage of the disease, but both are ineffective later No vaccine is currently available. Prevention of exposure to potentially contaminated water and food helps control the transmission of L. interrogans.