Ed Seymour Lee Account Manager – Saatchi & Saatchi X
Top Tips for Current Students Be brave and have an opinion. Employers want to see that you can think for yourself - that they are getting more than a degree. Even if they completely disagree with you, they’ll appreciate you having a go and they’ll remember you. Just make sure you do your homework, be ready and able to justify your point of view. Whilst you should be confident in your opinion, it’s critical you listen to others too. In a busy agency you will be using your judgment to make big decisions quickly (decisions you will be required to justify) so it pays to have the best information / point of view (and I think it’s easy to accept you might not always have this yourself)
Top Tips for Current Students Money isn’t everything. I know it’s a cliché, but it’s true! Don’t pick your career on what the starting salary. If it’s that much more than the average, there must be a reason why, and after a couple of months you forget all about your pay packet anyway. You know you’ve made the right choice when you’re on your way to work at 4am, or working over the weekend on a pitch. If you love what you do, it’s just an opportunity to do more of it.
Top Tips for Current Students Although competition for jobs is fiercer than ever, don’t forget the value of you. Unpaid internships are fantastic - the amount you’ll learn and experience in just a couple of days or weeks is immense, but don’t let the organisation take the mick! Work your socks off, and get the menial admin done, then push to be involved / observe some as much as possible (they won’t always offer it up on a plate). Above all, ask as many questions you can think of, and be a sponge… With the recession receding, marketing budgets are growing and agencies are busier than ever. As a result, agencies are fighting a talent war on two fronts: Scouting and seeking out the best ‘new blood’ Keeping the world class talent they already have
Saatchi & Saatchi Lift Pitch