Background The University of Texas at Austin has invested in providing students with study abroad opportunities. There is a high demand for faculty-led study abroad programs which include: Maymesters Study Abroad Office sponsored summer faculty-led programs Department sponsored summer faculty-led programs
Purpose To expand the number of faculty-led study abroad programs to allow more students the opportunity to participate. To add faculty-led study abroad to the considerations of tenure review in order to incentivize faculty to create and participate in such programs.
Summary Students who wish to participate in faculty-led study abroad are sometimes unable to do so because of limited space in these highly demanded programs. We propose that participation in faculty-led study abroad programs be added to the tenure guideline. The implementation of such programs being added to the considerations for tenure will incentivize faculty to create more programs, which will allow a greater number of students to participate in study abroad.
Whereas Summary Lines 7-9 – UT is considered a top institution in terms of number of students who study abroad. Lines – President Powers has made improving graduation rates a priority by creating a task force. Lines – Findings have shown a 15% disparity in the 4 year graduation rate, favoring those who study abroad over those who do not. Lines – Faculty-lead study abroad programs (including Maymesters) are those usually led by one or more UT faculty.
Whereas Summary Lines – Faculty-led study abroad programs allow students with a rigid degree plan to study abroad. Lines – The courses taken with these programs transfer directly as UT course credit. Lines – Faculty- led study abroad programs are in high demand as shown by the fact that no programs were cancelled during the summer of Lines – The Quality Enhancement plan emphasizes the importance of faculty and student interaction outside the classroom.
Whereas Summary Lines – The Budget Council takes into account a candidate’s willingness to teach courses that are in high demand. Lines –The addition of these programs to tenure review will incentivize faculty to create and participate in such programs, allowing for more students to participate in study abroad. Lines – Tenure candidates at UT are expected to have made considerable contributions in teaching and service.
Whereas Summary Lines – The Tenure Track Guidelines, published annually, are used by the Vice President, the Provost, and the Budget Council when reviewing tenure candidates. Lines – Aspects of a tenure candidate’s teaching performance are listed under the “TEACHING” subheading of the Tenure Guidelines.
Resolved Summary Lines A faculty member’s leadership or participation in faculty-led study abroad programs should be recognized during consideration of tenure. Lines Taking part in faculty-led study abroad programs should be placed under the “Teaching” subheading of the Tenured and Tenure Track General Guidelines. Line This new component to the tenure guidelines will not mandate faculty to take part in such programs but will only serve another example of a faculty member’s dedication to education.
Resolved Summary Lines That the above called for action would expand opportunities for students wishing to study abroad.