Motion Geometry
Symmetry These shapes are all around us, whether they are man made. Symmetrical shapes are pleasing for the eye. or appear in nature
D Line Symmetry The four shapes above are symmetrical. If they are folded along the broken line, one half of the drawing would fit exactly over the other half.
One line of symmetry
No lines of symmetry
One line of symmetry
No lines of symmetry
One line of symmetry
One line of symmetry
Two lines of symmetry The above shapes have two lines of symmetry
Two lines of symmetry
One line of symmetry
One line of symmetry
Two lines of symmetry
No lines of symmetry
Three or more lines of symmetry
8 lines of symmetry
No lines of symmetry
6 lines of symmetry
3 lines of symmetry
Rotation symmetry order 2 Rotational Symmetry This shape cannot be folded in half but can be rotated about a centre point. Rotation symmetry order 2
Rotational Symmetry order 2