Welcome to Literacy Night! Wonders Reading Program
Why Wonders? More Rigorous Includes all components of reading Students are exposed to the different genres Differentiated Instruction (leveled readers) Includes writing component Comprehensive- meeting all Language Arts Florida Standards
Components of Wonders Whole- Group Instruction Small-Group Instruction Vocabulary, Read-Alouds, Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Spelling, High-Frequency Words, Skills and Strategies Small-Group Instruction Differentiated, Leveled Readers, Strategy groups Weekly & Unit Benchmark Assessments Writing Interactive, shared, independent writing Grammar Different types of writing (narrative, descriptive, persuasive, expository)
Typical day teaching Wonders
How do I get my 20 minutes? Keep a few books in the car Read everything! Signs, food boxes, magazines, notes in their lunchbox, etc. Read while you wait at a restaurant, doctor’s office Keep books by the bed Read to a sibling Listen to stories online Read activity books, such as cookbooks or game instruction manuals (mindcraft)
Read book from A to Z- Go Animals Go!
We’re Reading, Now What?
Reading Running Records District wide reading assessment tool. Finds students Independent Level- the level that they should be able to read fluently on their own and comprehend the reading. Finds students Instructional Level- the level that they need guidance and support from another adult to read. Teachers use this as a tool to differentiate instruction.
School to Home Connection
What do you wonder about Wonders?