1 June 26, 2014 Mark Barlet, AbleGamers Foundation Laura Hall, MATP Staff Fun for Everyone: Assistive Technology for Video Gaming
2 A disability justice movement working to transform communities. Home of Michigan’s Assistive Technology Program MDRC’s Web Page: MDRC’s Web Page: Contact Michigan Disability Rights Coalition (MDRC)
3 The shift of video gaming in our culture “Outside Only” criticism Changes in equipment and consoles A massive expansion of the industry Gaming Then and Now
Social Conflict resolution Friendship Communication with friends and others from around the world Skill Development Why Include People with Disabilities? 4
5 Shared experiences and the disappearance of disability. Physical activity Why Include People with Disabilities 2
6 Elements of accessibility in the game and assistive technology for Visual disabilities Hearing disabilities Cognitive disabilities Mobility disabilities What We Will Cover
7 Changeable text colors and font sizes Color blind options High contrast target crosshairs Enemy marking Map recoloring/alternate views Speed Setting Text to Speech input Visual Disabilities
8 Almost all games from PopCap Elder Scroll Online WildStar Call of Duty World of Warcraft Examples of Games with Visual Accessibility Elements
9 Best covered in the gaming industry Why closed captioning is so common Don’t forget the ambient noises Changeable fonts and text colors to reduce strain Alternative Reactionary Input Totally blind gaming options Hearing Disabilities
10 World of WarCraft WildStar WatchDogs Many, Many more Examples of Games with Hearing Accessibility Elements
11 Tutorials and Sandbox mode Difficulty Levels Training Levels Intuitive Menus Enemy Marking Speed Settings Cognitive Disabilities
12 Alterative Configurations Camera Controls Re-mappable Keys Third-Party Access for AT Moveable/resizeable user interfaces Mobility Disabilities
13 Keyboard Movement Game Assists Input Devices Speed Settings Mobility Disabilities 2
14 Macroability Difficulty Levels and Fail Safes Save Points Sensitivity Sliders Click to Move/Mouse to Move Mobility Disabilities 3
15 WildStar Call of Duty Star Wars The Old Republic World of Warcraft Examples of Games with Mobility Accessibility Elements
16 Adroit SwitchBlade Axis1,2,and 3 Many custom solutions 3D printers are letting people design things that we have never even seen. Assistive Technology (The Hardware)
17 Largest game accessibility advocates in the world Our community We have the largest database of accessible game reviews The largest community of disabled gamers AbleGamers Foundation
18 Phone: (800) Web: Twitter: Blog: / / How to Contact MATP
19 How to Contact AbleGamers
20 “I believe that there is nothing more powerful for people with disabilities than the freedom that only video games can provide. It is an art form that allows us to run, jump and be whatever we want to be.” -Mark Barlet Questions and Final Thought