Validation & Resources for Language Learning in AIOLE Environments Dr Asuncion Sanchez-Villalon, PhD, Dr Pedro P. Sanchez Villalon, PhD, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain IAC-ETeL 2013 in Prague International Academic Conference on Education, Teaching & E-learning AV consulting & Czech Technical University
Introduction Knowledge Transfer Knowledge Construction Content-based systems foster transmissionist learning while ICT technologies improve Constructivism Learning ICT help learners to enhance their language learning (in educational centres in teaching & formal learning), or outside, (in informal situations): ◦1. Offering open resources for learning (Web-based, Communicative, simulate and real practice, …) ◦2. Giving support to lifelong learning ◦3. Fostering the design of Personal Learning Environments.
AIOLE: Concept.-Features.-Purpose AIOLE (An Interactive Online Learning Environment) Main Purpose: help teachers and learners to design learning strategies, to develop activities give access to online materials, design and report learners on their learning experiences fulfill tasks where language skills play an essential role in their learning process.
AIOLE Environments AIOLE Learning scenarios, WebWriter for writing on the Web Editing Scenarios (for Teachers, & Students for their own task) Accessing links to Internet resources,
The CEFR descriptors & Levels:
AIOLE project
AIOLE Validation Laurillard´s Conversational Model (2002) checked in AIOLE It accomplishes the 4 components: ◦ Discursive ◦ Adaptative ◦ Interactive ◦ Reflexive
Discursive component in AIOLE Chats for conversational exchanges ◦teacher «–» learners ◦learners «–» learners Access to the learning plan column & links Learners can comment on their learning experience & doubts. Teacher can access learners’ comments
Adaptative Component in AIOLE Teacher: ◦can adapt the learning plan dynamically with sequential steps in learning activities ◦can offer access to solutions to problems upon practice completion ◦Or can access information offering remedial work Learners ◦can modify their own learning plan, tasks & activities ◦AIOLE will progress showing the teacher’s guide in the learning path from the institutional guidelines and the levels and descriptors of the CEFR
Interactive Component in AIOLE The 4 communicative skills, mainly writing, reading and listening. ◦Writing by integrating AWLA writing assignments in the learning tasks ◦Reading & Listening activities designed by the teacher for the learner to access and produce feedback ◦grammar and vocabulary quizzes, easily designed using a template or accessing on Web ◦Speaking motivated in blended environments with stimulating spoken interaction face-to-face
Reflexive Component in AIOLE Help the teacher ◦relating the learners’ feedback with the achievement of the assignment objectives & of the internalization process ◦Saved in every learner’s scenario, inviting them to check and compare results in a not- automatically-driven grading technique done by the teacher Use of the ePortfolio ◦with the reflective feature of BioLinguaBioLingua
Range of usage Internal validation: since the fulfillment of objectives are reached when checking the learners’ outcomes The first statistics usage was done as a CIVIErasmus platform: AIOLE learning environment: Number of Students: 600 Tutors: 16 Campuses: 4 Languages:4 Average visits per student ENGLISH: 26,5:4= 6,6 GERMAN: 35:4= 8,7 ITALIAN: 29:4= 7,2 FRENCH: 22,1:4= 5,5 Dates:March-June (spring term)
External validation External validation in different online enviroments
Conclusions AIOLE has resulted in: 1. an invaluable tool for learning languages 2. a student-centred learning environment serves the current trends of PLE 3. a way for learners to control their own learning in a final stage 4. designing their own learning paths (following the descriptors and guidelines of the educational institutions and ePortfolio practices) It has also been proved to be useful as a learning environment for long-life learning as it is an open platform.