Application of Statistics and Percolation Theory Temmy Brotherson Michael Lam
Granular Materials What are granular materials? ○ Macroscopic particles ○ Interaction between particles- repulsive contact forces Why are they studied? ○ Use ○ Properties and behavior
Indeterminants The stacking of cannon balls Hyper-static Equilibrium ( 6 Contact Points ) Stable Equilibrium ( Any 3 Contact Points ) Contacts become random
Hysteresis For a particle at rest on multiple surfaces, direction of frictional force can’t be determined Without prior knowledge of system forces can be determined
Statistics Indeterminacies make straight forward analytical approaches difficult Numerous grains in material furthers this difficulty Statistical methods are a natural way to analyze this type of system
Probability Distribution Distributions can be used to study general properties of forces in the system Systems undergoing different processes can be identified
Most likely shear F t is about its mean value. All other forces most probable value is near its mean. Both compression forces share similar probability at high forces but shear F t are more likely to be bigger then F n
Radial Distributions Can be used to study the direction of propagating forces Net forces on system and propagation of forces can be extrapolated.
12 contact points represents the 6 equilibrium points of the two configurations Represents two different configurations
Correlation Finds the linear dependence of forces between two grains as a function of separation If defined as where F(x) is the sum of contact forces on a grain at x Can be use to find force chain lengths
Shear system has longer probable chains lengths in y direction then x Compression has equally probability in both directions
Connected and occupied sites Clusters
Percolation Theory What is Percolation theory? ○ Numbers and properties of the clusters ○ f= force ○ f c = critical threshold force ○ Elaborate later on scaling exponents and function Use of the Percolation theory model ○ s= random grain size; f c = critical threshold; and are scaling exponents; =scaling function
Mean Cluster Size S is the mean cluster size n s (p) is the number of clusters per lattice site A general form of the moment N=system size i.e. number of contacts in the packing
Why Percolation Theory? Probability of connectivity ○ f=0, f=1 ○ f f c ○ Force network inhomogeneity in granular materials ○ Quantification of force chains Threshold, f c, small and large f Force network variation- statistical approach Around f c, the system shows scale invariance ○ Power-law behavior of our scaling exponents and scaling function ○ Suggests systems with this behavior have same properties
N -Φ m 2 and (f-f c )N 1/2v are rescale with B and A respectively Φ = 0.89 ± 0.01, v = 1.6 ± 0.1 A and B are a function of polydispersity, pressure and coefficient of friction
Plot show similar features Problem in calculating f c For proper scaling in x-axis proper centering is needed