Theodore “Teddy” Roosevelt
Prominent NY family State legislator; Civil Service National Gov’t; Police Commission NYC; Governor NYC; Assistant Secr of Navy; “War Hero” Spanish-American War; VP under McKinley Writer & avid outdoorsman Popular bc of war Known anti-corruption/progressive Respected by press Theodore Roosevelt
Bully Pulpit - push a political agenda by getting the American people on your side bring progressivism to the national stage Why is this effective???? Square Deal – all Americans get a fair deal TR’s progressive policy: corporate control; consumer protection; conservation As President
Came about as a result of ___________ Meat Inspection Act 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act 1906 Consumer Protection
Arbitrator in Coal Strike Good Trusts versus Bad Trusts Suit against Northern Securities 44 other suits against trusts Elkins Act, 1903 ICC had power impose fines rr and sellers who give/accept rebates Hepburn Act, 1906 ICC set maximum rates Control of Corporations
expanded the national park system established bird and wildlife refuges designated important historic and geographical sites as national monuments. More regulation/fees on use of land in west Conservation
What was “progressive” about TR? What was not “progressive” about TR? Or at least could have been more “progressive”?