Jock To Scholar Toshina Jessamy 11 th Grade Age: 16
Business Profile A tutoring service provided for inner-city youth but targets the student athlete who doesn't have the resources to exceed to the next level which is going to college to play their sport. I will provide them with the tutoring they need and consult with them on the recruiting process and specifics for various division schools. Type of Business : Service Customer will be satisfied that they have college opportunities and have excelled in their high school education with the help and support of the program. Legal Structure : Sole Proprietorship—I possess the knowledge to get the job done right when educating the student athlete 1
Opportunity Opportunities No other tutoring service provides academic support and assistance with the recruiting process Inner-city youth do not have the proper resources to proceed to the next level in education and athletics Changes in NCAA rules makes it harder for inner-city student athletes to advance Qualifications 8 years of experience as a student athlete Bilingual (English & Spanish) Well educated in knowing the qualifications of being a division 1, 2,or 3 student athlete 2
Consumer Profile By Location Hartford, CT and surrounding areas By Population Student Athlete males and females ages 13 to 19 By Personality/Behavior High school athletes who need assistance to maintain/improve grades and also wants to be recruited By Income middle income households 3
Competition Competitive Advantage More convenient location for Hartford student athletes Give a flat rate charge CompetitorpriceQuality Greatest Strength Greatest Weakness Kumon math and reading center $250/Two sessions Good Use of placement test Only open two days a week Sylvan learning center $100/session GoodOn-line supportNo at home private tutor College Nannies & Tutors $450+/4 sessions Excellent Provide baby- sitting service and tutoring Only 2 franchises in CT and not located in the city 4
Marketing Mix Price: More affordable price than the leading competitors with the goal to get the student athletes grades or SAT scores up so they can go to college Place: Hartford,CT and surrounding areas Product: Friendly education/recruiting assistance Promotion: Business cards, brochures, flyers, internet (website/social networking sites) 5
Marketing Plan PhaseMethodDescriptionCost Awareness Business cards Brochures Flyers Internet / social networking Handed to student athletes after high school sporting events, contains website for social networking $ Purchase Friendly affordable tutoring/recruiting service Offer payment plans, provide excellent customer service and invaluable information Free Retention Free tutoring session if you refer a friend. Helps tutor and student athletes build a connection and establish long term relationships $16.50 (30% off 1 st 2 hrs.) 6
Cost of Materials/Direct Labor Definition of One Unit 2 hrs of Tutoring 3 days a week (plus recruiting consultation) Cost of Sales Per Unit Direct Labor (Labor Cost per Hour) Time (in hours) to make 1 unit Direct Labor Cost Per Unit $ hrs $49.50 Total Direct Labor Per Unit $49.50 Material DescriptionCost/Total QuantityCost Per Unit ($) Total Material Cost Per Unit0.00 Variable Costs Per Unit (gas)$3.00 Cost of Sales Per Unit$
Economics of 1 Unit Definition of One Unit2 hrs of Tutoring 3 days a week (plus recruiting consultation) Selling Price per Unit $ Direct Labor Per Unit $49.50 Materials Per Unit $0.00 Total COGS Per Unit $49.50 Variable Costs Per Unit $3.00 Total Cost of Sales $52.50 Gross Profit Per Unit $
Time Management Plan Business Schedule for a Typical Week Entrepreneurship21 hrs School Hours44 hrs Sleep56 hrs Free-Time Hours47 hrs 10
Average Monthly Fixed Costs Type of Fixed CostMonthly Cost Entrepreneurial Stipend $50.00 Advertising $58.85 Rent/ Utilities $10.00 Depreciation $8.80 Utilities $40.00 Total Monthly Fixed Costs $
Monthly Sales Projections MonthUnits Sold January2 February2 March3 April3 May3 June4 July4 August5 September4 October3 November3 December3 Total = 39 Monthly Break- Even Units 2 13
Selling Price Per Unit $ # of Units Sold 39 Total Sales $7, Total COGS $1, Other Variable Costs $ Total Variable Costs$2, Gross Profit$5, USAIIRD (Yearly)$2, Other Costs/Unforeseen$1, Total Fixed Costs$3, Profit before Taxes$2, Less Estimated Net Profit$2, Projected Yearly Income Statement 14
Return on Investment Return on Sales (ROS) 26% For every $1 dollar of sales, my business earned : $ (ROI) 270% For every $1 dollar invested, my business earned : $2.70
Start-up Investment Entrepreneurial hours needed for start-up Wage I pay myself Total start-up time investment 40 hrs $8.25$ ItemWhere I will buy this?Cost of Item 3 SAT prep booksBarnes & Noble $ Business $58.85 LaptopWal-martAlready owned Cell PhoneWal-mart $40.00 CASH RESERVE covering 3 months of fixed costs $ Estimated TOTAL START-UP INVESTMENT $
Financing Strategy for Total Start-up Investment Total: $ Source Amount Debt EquityGift Personal Savings $ X Relatives/Friends $ X 18
Social Responsibility Plan Jock To Scholar will partner up with the Wilson-Gray YMCA Youth and Family Center in Hartford and will host a 1 week summer camp. Consumers will be aware of this on the Jock to Scholar brochures and business cards. 17
Business & Educational Goals Business - Hire two employees by the end of the second year of business - Hope to expand tutoring/recruiting services and open 2 new locations by the end of the fifth year Educational - Graduate from high school and attend Southern Connecticut State University and play basketball - Graduate from college with a bachelors degree in Athletic Training 18
At Jock to Scholar we believe in turning your Average Athlete into a Student Athlete. Thank you for your consideration of Jock to Scholar Website coming soon 19