Beta Alpha Psi Iota Phi Chapter Would like to offer you, free tutoring!
Free tutoring you say?!? How is that possible! Well, let us tell you!
First, check the tutoring schedule on our website Under the tutoring tab you will find the schedule of when people are there to tutor which subjects. If the time you want, for the subject you want, isn’t there then feel free to fill out the form and ask for a specific time. This doesn’t guarantee your time however. But hey, It never hurts to ask!
Now! How to actually get to the tutoring lab! Head to Building 76!
It’s directly behind or through building 74
Head up to the Second Floor Yes, we know how cool the tunnel is!
Go straight through the doorway, about 20 feet and you should see this room on your right. Congratulations, you found the Tutoring Library!
If no one was in that room, check this room across the hall
Or check the BAP office
Hope this helps! If you still have questions Please us at