NHS Information October Meeting
ICE BREAKER Tin Foil Towers Form groups of 10 The goal is to build the tallest tower with only the tin foil given to you 10 minute time limit Tallest tower wins a treat!
Welcome Back! Looking forward to a great year of NHS Officer Introductions: Co Presidents Erin Gladish & Maria Peters Vice President of Membership Jeyda Turker Vice President of Service Ray Al-Nsour Treasurer John Irvine Secretary Madeline Swank Historian Jessie Anderson Tutoring Officer Ryan Wilson
Communication Remind 101 Twitter
Requirements 5 hours PER QUARTER Log through Service Monkey App available, easy access to log Hours cannot be shared between NHS and Key Club, except for tutoring Hours between other honors societies can be shared please notify one of the officers or Mrs. Yacoub IF YOU DO NOT FULFILL YOUR HOURS YOU WILL BE PUT ON PROBATION
Chair Leader/Service Opportunities Communications chair leader Improve communication with members and advertise upcoming service events Winter Wonderland FHR on December 5th from 9am - 12pm Gift wrap Help students shop Craft station Service opportunities will be on the website as well. If you are aware of any opportunities, please contact the NHS or one of the officers!
Questions? Feel free to ask any officers about questions concerning hours or service opportunities!