1 CORE Bringing the GSBPM to life! J. Linnerud & J.-P. Kent
2 Main points 1.An ideal development process for a statistical system 2.Why this ideal usually is not met 3.How CORE aims at supporting this ideal development process
3 Statistics: How? Specify a statistic Design a process that will produce this statistic Build a system that will execute this process
4 What is the product? Define a statistic – What does it say? Measures, dimensions, explanations… – What does it look like? Tables, Press release, Analytic paper… – What is the input? Population, variables, data sources… – What is the relation between input and output? Methods to apply
5 Statistics: How? Specify a statistic Design a process that will produce this statistic Build a system that will execute this process
6 How to produce the statistic Model the data – Input, output, intermediary results Specify process steps to apply the chosen statistical methods Integrate these steps in a process flow
7 Statistics: How? Specify a statistic Design a process that will produce this statistic Build a system that will execute this process
8 Let the machine do it Implement the data models Implement the process steps Implement the process flow
9 Why is this approach good? (1) Variability vs. stability – Statistical products are specific There is a great variety of products A given product will vary in time – Statistical processes are generic The same method can be applied to many products Process steps implementing methods can be reused A significant change in the product can be implemented with some simple changes in some process steps
10 Why is this approach good? (2) It allows a clean specification of the product – In terms of what it is – In terms of what is used – In terms of what the relation is between input and output
11 It separates product design from IT – The product is defined in terms of what it is (and not how it is produced) – The process is defined in terms of what it does (and not how it is implemented) – Only the system is defined in technical terms Why is this approach good? (3)
12 It supports optimalisation of process development – Possibility of developing standardised, re-usable process steps – Generic process steps are not defined for an actual statistic, but for use in different statistics Why is this approach good? (4)
13 Main points 1.An ideal development process for a statistical system 2.Why this ideal usually is not met 3.How CORE aims at supporting this ideal development process
14 The usual approach Statisticians present a project in which product and process are combined IT people specify and build a system that creates the product by performing the process
15 Why is the usual approach inefficient? Complexity Process & product are tightly coupled Rigidity Maintenance is labour-intensive Specificity It is not easy to devise a generic solution when developing for a specific product
16 Main points 1.An ideal development process for a statistical system 2.Why this ideal usually is not met 3.How CORE aims at supporting this ideal development process
17 Promoting the better approach 1.The CORA and CORE projects (Jenny) 2.Bringing the results into practice (Jean-Pierre)
18 CORA ESSnet COmmon Reference Architecture (CORA) Financed by Eurostat under 2009 Statistical Workprogramme Countries involved: it (coordinator), ch, dk, lv, nl, no, se Duration: October October 2010
19 CORA deliverables Questionnaire Set of Requirements State of the Art Definition of the Layered Model Technical Annex Instruction Manual Commercial and Legal Foundations for the Exchange of Software between Statistical Offices Requirements Checklist for CORA Tools Recommendations for CORA Tools
20 After CORA … CORE! COmmon Reference Environment (CORE) Financed by Eurostat under 2010 Statistical Workprogramme Countries involved: it (coordinator), fr, nl, no, pt, se Duration: December January 2012
21 CORE Workpackages Design of the information model according to GSBPM and alignment with NSI's information models Generic interface design for interconnecting GSBPM sub-processes Research workflow solutions for process management Implementation library for generic interface and production chain for.NET Implementation library for generic interface and production chain for Java
22 Practical usage of CORA / CORE Modeling a process in terms of services (CORA) Classifying services (CORA) Making services platform-independent (CORE)
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive An example process A transport statistic –Input: Loading reports Unloading reports –Date, time, place, type & quantity goods, type vehicle –Output: Monthly transport data –Same data also used for time series
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive Modeling approach Use the CORA space grid
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive Microdata Macrodata
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive Modeling approach Use the CORA space grid Display statistical services in the appropriate cells
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive Aggregate Macroediting
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive Modeling approach Use the CORA space grid Display statistical services in the appropriate cells Join services with arrows to show the dependencies
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive Aggregate Macroediting
F igures T ime series S tatistic P opulation U nit V ariable V alue 3 Build 1 Specify Needs 2 Design 6 Analyse 4 Collect 5 Process 9 Evaluate 7 Disseminate 8 Archive Monthly Transport Publication Confidentialty control Select period data Integrate data Archive Publication data Archive Time Series data Supply period data Aggregate Archive Statistic data Macroediting MicroeditingArchive Unit data Compute distance Combine Archive obs. vars. Download Outlier detection Error detection Correct outliers Correct variables ? ?
32 A traditional service Tool X Model (X) Script (X) Input (X) Output (X)
33 A CORA service Tool X Model (X) Script (X) Input (X) Output (X) Model (CORA) Script (CORA) CV Input (CORA) Output (CORA) CV = Convertor Logging Tool Y Model (Y) Script (Y) Input (Y) Output (Y) CV