1 Psychology 320: Psychology of Gender and Sex Differences Lecture 61
Papers are due on Wednesday, April 3, Students should submit their papers during class. If you are unable to attend class on the day the paper is due, please have someone hand it in for you at the start of class. Late papers: (a) will receive a 10% deduction per 24-hour period after the class period has ended on April 3 and (b) must be handed in directly to me or your TA. Paper Submission 2
In addition to submitting a hardcopy in class, you must submit your paper electronically to TurnItIn. The electronic copy submitted to TurnItIn must be identical to the hard copy submitted in class; do not change the content or format of the document. The electronic copy submitted to TurnItIn will be compared to the hard copy submitted in class; discrepancies may constitute academic misconduct. 3
Psychology 3054 TurnItIn is a plagiarism detection system that scans and compares your paper to online content (e.g., other students’ papers, published works, websites). It provides an “originality report” that documents the overlap between your paper and online content. It indicates the source of plagiarized content (overlap is acceptable if it is properly cited—see APA guidelines). What is TurnItIn? 4
Psychology 3055 Go to To create your own account, click on “Create Account” in the upper right hand corner of the screen. You will need the following information to create your account or add this course to your existing account: TurnItIn Instructions Class ID: Password: gender2013 5
Psychology 3056 Step-by-step instructions are available in the “Student Quickstart Guide” at support/guides_manuals.html. You will receive “0” on your paper if you do not submit it to TurnItIn. Additional Notes on TurnItIn 6
Psychology 3057 You may view your originality report before submitting your paper to address any concerns regarding plagiarism. Please contact your TA if you have any questions or difficulties submitting your paper to TurnItIn. 7
8 Reminder As noted in the syllabus, the contents of Chapter 15 (Treatment for Mental Disorders) will not be discussed in class. Nevertheless, you are responsible for this material for the April exam.
9 Mental Health, Exploitation, Oppression, and Violence 2. What “methodological artifacts” may contribute to sex differences in mental health? 3. What forms of exploitation, oppression, and violence occur within and beyond Canada’s borders? 1. Are there sex differences suicide? (continued)
10 1. explain the “gender paradox” related to suicide. By the end of today’s class, you should be able to: 2. discuss methodological artifacts that may contribute to sex differences in mental health. 3. generate global examples of gender-based exploitation, oppression, and violence.
11 Although males commit suicide more frequently than females, females attempt suicide more often than males. Are there sex differences in suicide? (continued)
12 Three explanations have been offered for this paradox: 2. The underreporting of suicide attempts among males. 3. The underreporting of suicide among females. 1. Gender roles.
13 What “methodological artifacts” may contribute to sex differences in mental health? 1. Clinician bias. 2. Response bias. 3. Criteria bias (i.e., differential item functioning).
14 What forms of exploitation, oppression, and violence occur within and beyond Canada’s borders? What are some examples of gender-based exploitation, oppression, and violence?
15 Cameroon: Approximately one-quarter of girls and women have been subject to “breast ironing” (Tapscott, 2012). Afghanistan: 400 females are currently imprisoned for “moral crimes” (i.e., refusing marriage, fleeing spousal assault; BBC News, 2012).
16 Breast Ironing
17 Mental Health, Exploitation, Oppression, and Violence 2. What “methodological artifacts” may contribute to sex differences in mental health? 3. What forms of exploitation, oppression, and violence occur within and beyond Canada’s borders? 1. Are there sex differences suicide? (continued)