Mental Health Commissioning in Tower Hamlets 15 th October 2015
Glen Crosier – Mental Health Joint Commissioning Team - Tower Hamlets NHS Clinical Commissioning Group and LB Tower What is Commissioning ? Find out what services people need and want by listening to service users, carers and professionals…and Looking at what’s working well and what needs to improve or change Secure local NHS and Council funding for mental health Use the funding available to arrange contracts with service providers Make sure the services are working well to provide what people need and want
Mental Health and Joint Commissioning Team East London Mental Health Consortium How our team fits into the system
“Our vision is to deliver substantially improved outcomes for people with mental health problems in Tower Hamlets through integrated mental health services that are safe and effective, with friendly staff that inspire confidence in the people and families using them, and which help people to take control of their own lives and recovery” Our Strategic direction; Tower Hamlets Mental Health Strategy
Areas of Work Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) – accountable to national targets – access, waiting times, recovery rates Re-commissioning specialist health services for Community Learning Disabilities Service Employment Support service moving to an evidence based Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model Working with voluntary sector partners – Recovery & Wellbeing Service redesign Work has been on-going with voluntary sector and THCVS to build capacity for future provision Investment in voluntary sector contracts via Council and CCG has remained stable previous 3 years with plans to increase next year (subject to procurement rules)
Recovery & Wellbeing Model (Day Services Redesign) Brings together funding available from LBTH and TH NHS CCG and includes investment available for voluntary sector provision of a coordinated Borough wide ‘mental health recovery & wellbeing service’ made up of the following components: Local organisation and infrastructure Peer Support & Service User Involvement Access, Advice & Short Term Support Community Engagement & BME Inclusion Longer Term Planning & Support (1:1) Group Support Programme (multi-venue) Work & Wellbeing Hub/Vocational training Support into Paid Employment Recovery College
Local Context Tower Hamlets has amongst the highest prevalence of mental health problems in the country. We have the fourth highest proportion of people with depression in London Highest incidence of first episode psychosis according to first hand epidemiological studies (Coid et al, 2011) Highest incidence of psychosis in east London according to GP registers. Approximately 30,000 adults estimated to have symptoms of a common mental health problem in the borough 15,900 people known to their GP to have depression 3,300 known to have a serious mental illness, with a prevalence of c people with dementia.
Strategic Aims The need for a whole system approach for tackling these challenges is highlighted throughout the Tower Hamlets Health and Well Being Board (THHWBB) Mental Health Strategy (2014). The wider ambition is to build resilience in the population by supporting mental health and wellbeing for all and supporting people to live well with a mental health problem. The voluntary and community sector have a vital role to play in turning this vision into reality. Recovery oriented approaches to mental health care and support emphasises the fundamental importance of participation in mainstream community activities, social networks, work and employment
Consultation and engagement consultation events Recovery & Wellbeing Commissioning Prospectus Prcurement Process Nov 2015: Open Tender Advertised March/April 2016 Presentations, evaluation and contract award New contracts and service July 2016
Proposed Model