Should We Keep the Electoral College? A Principles of Government Semester Project Mr. S. Wnorowski / Period.1
INTRODUCTION The Constitution of the United States requires election of the President of the United States through a system called the Electoral College. Over the years - including our most recent Presidential Elections - there has been controversy about this system. Some Americans think we should continue with this system, others think we should abandon it in favor of direct popular election of the President, while still others think that some modification of the current system should be put into place. It will be your job to come to a conclusion about this controversy and make a recommendation to their Congressperson about the continuation of the Electoral College system.
INTRODUCTION ELECTORAL MAP. 2016 The Electoral map reflects what states will lean either Republican or Democratic based upon the likely hood of voter turn-out.
The Essential Question Should the United States continue to elect its President through the Electoral College system?
The Task After the controversy generated by two extremely close and contentious Presidential elections in recent years, Congress has decided to appoint a committee to research the issue of whether the United States should continue to elect its President using the electoral college system, or should consider modifying or abandoning the process. You have been appointed to serve on this committee. You and your committee members will be assigned the task of researching the history and pros and cons of the electoral college system. After you have completed the research and discussed the key issues involved on both sides of the question, your committee will write a letter to your Congressperson advocating and explaining your position on whether we should keep, modify or abandon the electoral college system of election of the President.
Assign each members of your team to a different role. Your committee for this task will be made up of team of four individuals, each with a different responsibility during the process. Follow these steps to complete your task and prepare your final letter to your Congressperson. Historian: Your job is to explore the history of the electoral college system. Why was it put into place originally? What purpose did it serve? Who was in favor and against the idea originally? Researcher #1: Your job is to research the positive aspects of the Electoral College system. How has it effected election outcomes in the past? Researcher #2: Your job is to research the negative aspects of the Electoral College system. How has it effected election outcomes in the past? Campaign Manager: Your job is to collect information and report on the results of the most recent Presidential election and how the Electoral College influenced the campaign strategies for this two major candidates in this election. The Process / Step.1 Assign each members of your team to a different role.
Have each team member complete the tasks assigned to his/her role. Each Team member is to go their web resource Evaluate the website using the CARS Model before gathering information by considering the steps on the attached checklist. Answer the relevant questions related to your role Cite information from the web to support answer (A.C.E.S.) Include electoral maps and data sets to support position Turn-in Research daily The Process / Step 2 Have each team member complete the tasks assigned to his/her role.
Be sure to evaluate the website using the CARS Model before gathering information by considering the steps on the attached checklist. Be sure to cite the source properly. Apply information to your assigned questions and cite (A.C.E.S.) The Process / Step 3 In addition to using the resources linked to your assigned role, find one additional website for information on your topic.
The Process / Step 4 Bring all four team members together to meet as a committee and present the research they have gathered
Use the information presented by all team members to come to a consensus on decision as to the team’s answer to the "big question" Should the United States continue to elect its President though the Electoral College system? Write an essay using A.C.E.S. method The Process / Step.5 Come to a consensus on decision as to the team’s answer to the "big question"
(Insert tips on creating a slide show) The process / step.6 (Insert tips on creating a slide show) As a team, gather your data and create a slideshow/prezi that presents your case to the big question.
Then, as a team compose a letter to your Congressperson Elements of a Good Letter The most important element of writing a good letter is your ability to identify and write to your audience. If you are addressing your letter to the department of human resources, avoid using highly technical terms that only engineers would understand, even if your letter is addressed to an engineering company, chances are that the personnel in human resources does not have an engineering background. The next element is that you make sure your present your objective in a clear and concise manner. Don't be vague about your objective, most people will not have the patience to sit there and guess at the meaning of your letter or the time to read a long-winded letter, just get to the point without going into unnecessary details. Another important element to remember is to remain professional. Even if you are writing a complaint letter, remain polite and courteous, simply state the problem(s) along with any other relevant information and be sure to avoid threats and slander. The process / step.7 Then, as a team compose a letter to your Congressperson explaining and supporting your opinion on the big question.
(Get Alternative Assesment documentation in the office) The process / step.8 Turn in your letter, and the supporting research you have gathered, to your teacher for evaluation, according to the rubric provided.
Austin High Schools Congressman Roger Williams Republican Texas District 25 The process / step.9 & 10 After evaluation by the teacher, and possible revision, send your letter to your Congressperson. Report to your classmates on any reply you receive from the Congressperson's office.
RESOURCES As you consider these further steps you may want to investigate further at these websites: /
Conclusion Now that you have completed your research and presented your recommendations in the form of a letter to your Congressperson, what other questions do you have about the Electoral College? What role might you play in the future to have an impact on how the system could work in the future?