KARMA GBM /5/2015
2 AGENDA Update on FY14-15 projects and pending items Closure of FY KARMA Financial Statements Introduction of New Committee Members for Discussion on FY projects by New Committee Q&A 2
Some “ good ” things…. Painting (Manoj, Naik Sir, VR, Sumanta): Painting project started in 2013 was completed by end of Included ducts, Corridors, balconies, terrace, basement, parking numbers, children play area, lifts, boundary walls, pipes, etc One of the most complicated and difficult projects to be undertaken by Karma
Some “ good ” things…. Water (Gurpreet, Sushant) Daily tracking of Cauvery water and working with BWSSB have reduced tanker consumption, hence the bill Monthly tanker consumption have come down from 250 to (7KL tankers) (Saving of 80K – 1 L per month) But we don’t know on how log will we be able to contain it, as not everything is in our control.
Some “ good ” things…. Plantation, Gardening and Lights (Pankaj) More than 1000 saplings planted in 2014 All boundary wall lights have been replaced Gardens and play areas are well lit now Gym Renovation(Sushant, Gurpreet) Gym fully renovated 3 new machines, mats, weighing scale, dustbins procured
Some “ good ” things…. [Contd.] Landscaping and Aesthetics(Vrinda, Sushant and Sumanta): Entire courtyard beautified with broken tiled patterns Dome/ Netted area made safe for children between the blocks False ceiling in lobby area on GF and Basement renovated Club House, Party Hall Renovated(Sushant, Vrinda, Pankaj) All doors and windows repaired in common areas Party Hall and Club House fully renovated New games like boxing, foosball, chess, dart board, etc available New sitting/reading area in the club house with laser cut back drop.
Some “ good ” things…. [Contd.] Housekeeping(Sumanta, Naik Sir) All broken drain slabs replaced with iron slabs De silting of entire drainage system in basement Over head tank cleaning Kb has been made no trash zone with lot of dustbins available for use
Some “ good ” things…. [Contd.] Lifts and Fire(Gurpreet, Yashish): Number of complaints on lifts reduced Lift emergency equipment rectified and being monitored. Fire is WIP, and waiting for budget allocation Security and Systems(Rajeev, Adi, Pankaj) Missing stickers and signboards replaced. New vehicle stickers and club house cards distributed. Data collection of all residents done and synced with apnacomplex. Upgraded to apna complex for apartment management
Some “ good ” things…. [Contd.] Others 4 common toilets repaired for staff use Security got shade on main gate Leakage and Seepage in common areas rectified Rectification of area in front of main gate Pest control netting done on both the blocks New estate manager on rolls
Some “not so good” things…. [Contd.] Scam by Ex Estate Manager: Karma as well as residents committee(non KARMA) accessed the damage. Compliant(Not FIR) to police done, and didn’t move beyond that. Recommendations from the residents committee can be considered by new KARMA team of FY Silver lining is that KARMA collected more money from the long time defaulters in FY than the one involved in the Scam.
KARMA FY Financials Below is the summary of the income and expense for last 3 years and next 2 years(projected). Projection is done in a way to increase fixed cost by 5% YOY and variable cost by 10%, to accommodate the old age of the building. We will have to revisit maintenance and brainstorm on other ways to generate more income to sustain regular expenses. Special P1 projects that are described later will have expense on top of regular expenses, and will need to be accommodated as well (Projected) (Projected) Fixed Income ,353, ,353, ,353, Variable Income Total Income Fixed Expense Variable Expense Total Expense Balance
KARMA Pending projects 1.Can we execute P1 in and P2 in 16-17? 2.Can we execute with current rate of maintenance? 3.Do we need a one time collection to realize these projects?
KARMA new look of FY 15-16
Ending on a good note…. Some snaps from KB