AIS Automation 1
2 Today AIP - State AAIP - State C State A State BState C AIP - State B State D AIP - State D State E AIP - State E
AIS Automation 3 Paper based process (simplified) Manual data processing Legend Automated data processing Physical distribution AIP AIS Office AIP document users -Briefing Offices -VFR/IFR pilots -… - Read - Extract small amounts of data Data users - Commercial data providers - Large airline - CFMU Extract large amounts of data Charts ARINC 424 Flight manuals FMS Data Operational databases
AIS Automation 4 Background Problem AIS is (perceived as?) paper-based (archaic, incompatible with automated FMS and ATM, source of integrity errors, incoherence and distribution delays. Also, not environmentally friendly. The Challenge Transition to electronic media to provide harmonised/standardised, cost-effective, backwards compatible
AIS Automation 5 Status in Europe Source: Survey Sept Scope is ECAC.
AIS Automation 6 AIS web-sites --> Interesting links
AIS Automation 7 First approach:PDF Pdf image
AIS Automation 8 PDF: Advantages Easy to create (Word Processor/Scanner) Easy to distribute ( /CD-ROM/Web) --> Quicker to distribute Cheaper than paper Much appreciated by (certain/most) users
AIS Automation 9 PDF: Lessons learned Often no clearly stated legal status Users still need to print (--> environment !) Dead document: Users still need to re-type information CD-Rom distribution is as slow as paper distribution (Web) Security concerns Not adapted for on-line presentation (Portait vs Landscape) Increasing disharmonisation
AIS Automation 10 Need for harmonisation & standardisation State B State E AIP - State E State C State D State A eAIP - State BeAIP - State DeAIP - State AeAIP - State C
AIS Automation 11 Another step forward Electronic AIP (eAIP) Based upon XML technology Fully ICAO compliant Independent of local systems (DBs, Word Processors)
AIS Automation 12 eAIP: Benefits AIS clients Increased accessibility of the IAIP information custom views query extract small amounts of data Eliminate distribution delays Uniformity in structure, content and presentation State AIS Avoid the risks and costs of isolated national developments Reduced costs Lifts the profile of AIS within organisation Industry Apparition of a new market
AIS Automation 13
AIS Automation 14
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AIS Automation 17 eAIP - SVG example
AIS Automation 18 Filesize:9 Kilobyte !
AIS Automation 19 Status Implementing countries Armenia Belgium German Air Force Italy Latvia Moldova Netherlands Slovenia Slovak Republic EUROCONTROL’s role Document Type Definition Stylesheets (XML--> PDF, XML-->HTML) Documentation Security ‘Tips & Trics’ Configuration control
AIS Automation 20 Things to remember PDFAllows for easy Web/CD-Rom publication Appreciated by (certain ?) users eAIPSame advantages as PDF + Truly electronic AIP (XML) Ideal for full harmonisation/standardisation
AIS Automation 21 Interfaces to EAD EAD Client Interface Terminal PC containing the set of EAD Applications EAD System Interface Data Interchange between EAD System and External Client Systems based on exchange mechanism of defined message Static data upload in AIXM format, Download in ARINC424 and AIXM Internet Used by public User AFTN
AIS Automation 22 EAD A sneak preview Data Input applications
AIS Automation 23 EAD Interface - Static Data (Browser)
AIS Automation 24 EAD Interface - Static Data (Browser)
AIS Automation 25 EAD Interface - AIP (Client)
AIS Automation 26 EAD Interface (SmartGlobe - Client)
AIS Automation 27 EAD Interface- NOTAM (Browser)
AIS Automation 28 EAD A sneak preview User applications
AIS Automation 29 EAD Interface - Static Reporting (Browser)
AIS Automation 30 EAD Interface - PIB (Browser)
AIS Automation 31 EAD Interface - PIB (Browser)
AIS Automation 32 EAD Interface - PIB (Browser)
AIS Automation 33 EAD Interface - AIPs (Browser)
AIS Automation June 2003 !