facebook Hatshepsut WallPhotosFlairBoxesCharacter NameLogout View photos of (Hatshepsut) (x) Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes So sad I have to built obelisk to entertain my self Write something… Share Information Networks: (Egypt) Birthday: (1508BC) Civilization: (18 Dynasty of Egypt) Religion: (?) (Polytheism) Hometown: (Egypt) Friends Name: Bes Yeha right all that work for you might be exhausting We built it and you get all the credit!!!! Name: Hatshepsut But I'm sad I lost 2 husbands Name: Hathor She has all the right to be mad love is difficulte Name: Bes But she stole all the credit Name: Thutmose III Hi aunti you stole my credit Name: Thutmose III And Im going to take the job of a REAL pharo Insert Picture Here Ra name Insert Picture Here
Personal Information facebook Character Name: status WallPhotosFlairBoxesJohn F. KennedyLogout View photos of (Name) (x) Send a message Poke message Wall InfoPhotosBoxes Basic Information Information Networks: (location) Birthday: (date) Civilization: (name) Religion: (?) (name) Hometown: (location) Photos Networks: Egypt Sex: Female Birthday: 1498 BC Feb 18 (date) Hometown: Egypt Relationship Status: Widow Civilization:18 Dynasty of Egypt Religious Views: Polytheism Activities: Building obelisks, expanding trade and peace Interests: Ruling Egypt Favorite Music: Classic Favorite Movies: The prince of Egypt Favorite TV Shows: the Flintstones, How to ? ( I want to learn how to built obelisk) Favorite Books: Building for Obelisk for Dummies (Title) (description) (x number) Albums (Title) (description) Contact Information Address: Egypt Papyrus avenue at the left Other Contact: Hatshepsut.com Insert Picture Here
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesHatshepstutLogout WallInfoPhotosBoxes Obelisk (12) My Albums 34 (Title) (x number) photos (Title)Profile Pictures (x number) photo Character Name status Insert Picture Here
facebook WallPhotosFlairBoxesCharacter NameLogout WallInfo Hatshepsut (Extra)Photos Insert Picture Here Favorite Games: Can you rule Egypt? Talking Pyramids