The Middle Kingdom (2040-1782) Dynasties 11-12 Dynasty 11 Mentuhotep I Key Terms Mentuhotep I
The Middle Kingdom (2040-1782) Dynasties 11-12 Dynasty 12 Amenemhet I Key Terms Amenemhet I
The Middle Kingdom (2040-1782) Dynasties 11-12 Dynasty 12 Senusret III Key Terms Senusret III
Fortification at Buhen Senusret III Stele from Aswan A Papyrus commemorating Senusret III's Sed-festival
The Full Titulary of Senusret I The Five Royal Names Name Horus Name Nebti (“Two Ladies”) Name Golden Horus Name Prenomen (Throne Name) Nomen (Birth Name) Accompanying Title Horus He of the Two Ladies (Wadjet and Nekhbet) Golden Horus He of the Sedge and Bee (King of Upper and Lower Egypt) Son of Re Key Terms prenomen nomen The Full Titulary of Senusret I
Prenomen of Thutmose II Nomen of Thutmose III
Hieroglyphics Key Terms Alphabetic signs (uniliterals) Rosetta Stone Hieratic Alphabetic signs (uniliterals) Biliterals and Triliterals Vowels Absence of the article Determinatives Hieratic
Alphabetic Symbols HIEROGLYPH REPRESENTS PRONOUNCED vulture vulture ah (father) reed i (filled) two reeds y (discovery) arm & hand broad a (car) quail chick oo (too) or w (wet) foot b (boot) mat p (pedestal) horned viper f (feel) owl m (moon) water n (noon) mouth r (right) reed shelter h (hat) twisted flax h! (ha!) placenta kh (like Scotch 'loch') animal's belly ch (like German 'ich') folded cloth s (saw) door bolt pool sh (show) slope of hill k (key) basket with handle k (basket) jar stand g (go) loaf t (tap) tethering rope tj (church) hand d (dog) snake dj (adjust) You may notice that some hieroglyphs are vowel sounds, these are considered weak consonants and are used when a word begins with a vowel or where it might be confusing without them, like in a name.
Biliterals + gm + kha + wen + wep + djed + ges + hen + neb + adj HIEROGLYPH COMBINES PRONOUNCED + gm + kha + wen + wep + djed + ges + hen + neb + adj
Scribal Culture Key Terms papyrus Training Tools of the Trade
Mathematics 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 10 = 100 = 1,000 = 10,000 = 100,000 = 1,000,000 =
Education Ethical Principles Family Profession
Medicine Medical Training Categories of Physicians Conception of the Human Body Diagnosis Methods Drugs Key Terms Houses of Life metu Some medicinal plants used by Pharaohs
Games and Sports Indoor Games Sports Children’s Games Hunting Key Terms senet Indoor Games Sports Children’s Games Hunting
Music Instruments Musical Notation Social Organization Song Forms
The Second Intermediate Period (1782-1570) Dynasty 13 (crumbling Middle Kingdom dynasty) Dynasty 14 (Lower Egypt) Dynasties 15 and 16 (Hyksos) Dynasty 17 (Theban) Key Terms Sobekneferu Hyksos Sheshi (Salitis) Seknenre Kamose
A group of people labled Hyksos entering Egypt A group of people labled Hyksos entering Egypt. From the tomb of a 12th dynasty king Khnumhotep II at Beni Hasan. The glyphs above the head of the first animal spell out Hyksos.
Tell el-Dab’a (Avaris) Warrior Tomb
Kamose’s Stela