Ancient Egypt Geography
Step one Please go to the British Museum Website by clicking the following link: ml ml Read the first page and then read the story (click on the word “story”) Make choices as you go through the story.
Step two In Google search Egypt's location. A map of the Mediterranean will help. Answer the following questions: On what continent is Egypt found? How far away from Canada is it? What ocean would we have to cross to get to Egypt? What are the nearest countries to Egypt? What is the biggest sea near Egypt? What is the name of the river that runs through Egypt?
Step Three Go back to the beginning of the website used in step one: ml ml Click on explore and look at the maps of Egypt: terrain, natural resources and archaeological sites
Step Four Go back to the beginning of the website used in step one: Click on Challenge and complete the activity. You will enter coordinates and learn how to read a map. If you get a message to “run and add on” say ok! If you are not sure what to do ask your teacher.
Step Five Look at the following images and when finished complete the poem on the worksheet provided! Be sure to pass this in to Ms. Roughneen Well done! You have now completed your activities about the geography of ancient Egypt!