1. Objective (READ) SWBAT identify functions of a city. 2. Question of the Day. (TURN OBJECTIVE INTO A QUESTION) 3. Warm-up (ANSWER) What are essential things cities must provide for the people?) A. What makes a city a city? (What are essential things cities must provide for the people?) B. What does the City of Houston provide for its citizens?
Table of Contents DateTitleLesson # **US/Canada Unit** 10/4Physiographic Regions22 10/5Project Rough Draft23 10/12Immigration24 10/14Functions of a city25 1. Make a new page called “Functions of a city”. 2. Label it page 25.
Metropolitan area - A city and surrounding suburbs that are linked economically. READ ONLY
Metropolitan area - A city and surrounding suburbs that are linked economically.
Metroplitan Area (copy title) 1. Define – A city and surrounding suburbs that are linked economically. 2. Text message - using the term metropolitan area 3. Examples 4. Picture - COPY THE CHART - DIRECTIONS FOR EACH SECTION ARE IN UNDERLINED METROPOLITAN AREA
KEY QUESTION: How are we linked to the city of Houston? KEY QUESTION: How are we linked to the city of Houston? FUNCTIONS OF A CITY FUNCTIONS OF A CITY COPY BOX
1. Jobs - People commute from the suburbs to the Central Business District (downtown).
KEY QUESTION: How are we linked to the city of Houston? KEY QUESTION: How are we linked to the city of Houston? FUNCTIONS OF A CITY FUNCTIONS OF A CITY Jobs - People commute from the suburbs to the Central Business District (downtown)
2. Entertainment – large cities draw citizens (and money) for entertainment
KEY QUESTION: How are we linked to the city of Houston? FUNCTIONS OF A CITY FUNCTIONS OF A CITY Jobs - People commute from the suburbs to the Central Business District (downtown). 2. Entertainment – large cities draw citizens (and money) for entertainment 2. Entertainment – large cities draw citizens (and money) for entertainment
3. Public Services – Cities provide services like mass transportation, education, hospitals.
Houston’s City Hall Houston PD 4. Government – cities are home to local governments and police
KEY QUESTION: How are we linked to the city of Houston? FUNCTIONS OF A CITY FUNCTIONS OF A CITY 1. Jobs - People commute from the suburbs to the Central Business District (downtown). 2. Entertainment – large cities draw citizens (and money) for entertainment 3. Public Services – Cities provide services like mass transportation, education, hospitals. 4. Government – cities are home to local governments and police
Task – Using the rest of your page, draw a picture of an urban area that includes each of the four functions of a city. Include examples of jobs, entertainment, public services, and government. Label each of your examples.