idea presentation RoundUKM Group-STM
Group name STM Leader Nurliyana binti Zainuddin A149114
Group members: Nur Faralisa Sofea binti Misran A Nurul Amieza bt Azmi A Nurul Farhana bt Ahmad Zawawi A Nur Qaidah binti Md Kamis A150684
CONTRIBUTION liyana as user interface design Farhana as theoretical study Qaidah as technical study & feasibility Fara as project management Amieza as team building managemen t
INTRODUCTION This app is designed to help UKM Audience in any options that can make their own ‘s life become easier. The objectives are: Easy to access different type of site in one application Make an awareness to UKM audience about all the update info.
m-Folio e-Library MapI Event Router Facilities
m-Folio > this type of functionality is just same as i-folio. > but it is more easier especially for students to access it. > course
e-Library We connect the app to the PTSL UKM website; Here, the audience of UKM will easily to access and get the up-to-date info. opening search new announcement up-to-date
MapI Easier to the guest and the UKM audience to access the specific location inside UKM the direction e+National+University+of+Malaysia/
Event It will be connected to the UKM website; eHebahan ( all the info on the screen will appear on the app interface like image. The image will be store inside the gallery. We will create a small website of alert icon.
Router Easier to the student to know the exact time of bus operation. Can manage the time Can know the rotation of bus like ZON 2,ZON 6,ZON 3U and RapidKL. time
Facilities Can easy find the emergency call like firefighter,police, security guard and others. Can search also the others important numbers like Bendahari, faculty,college and others. search the no.
improvement Improve the user interface improve logo and apps icon add multi language can use the connection on UKM Wi-Fi or any wireless connection add comment rating
THE END… Thank you…