1 HubSpot’s Partner Office Hours for Marketing Agencies & Consultants w/ Patrick Shea VAR Marketing Hashtag #HubSpotHours
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Our Guests
Dia Dalsky, PR 20/20 Shaun Nestor, Never Mind Marketing Krista Moon, Inbound Marketing Specialist
Dia Dalsky, PR 20/20 Shaun Nestor, Never Mind Marketing
New user interface is extremely intuitive. Access to templates is awesome for a company that didn't already have one established. Preview screen really helps reduce editing time. Enhanced performance metrics are great (personal favorite).
Custom fields and contact record history are great for updating and managing the contact. Ability to add individual contacts reduces time previously needed for uploading CSV files. Search on Google is my favorite little addition. I think that's just so cool and easy. Share contact is AWESOME for linking sales and marketing team efforts.
Krista Moon, Strategic Thinking OnlineDia Dalsky, PR 20/20 Shaun Nestor, Never Mind Marketing
Drive audience to the website for lead conversion opportunities. Increase views and comments to blog articles. Expand reach and increase new subscribers. Get audience interested and engaged in what the company is doing. Build trust and credibility with their target audience.
Krista Moon, Inbound Marketing SpecialistDia Dalsky, PR 20/20 Shaun Nestor, Never Mind Marketing
More powerful analytics: if you can measure it, you can improve it. Opens the door for your agency to offer an additional service. Consolidates marketing services. Offers a more budget-friendly solution for your client.
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