“Business Sense”
Professional Good Listeners Motivated by others
Communicate Ask: What can I do for YOU? Establish trust and reputation with others Focus is on the success of others and the institution Seek solutions AND results
Know your chain of command Builds trust and respect with superiors Adhering to your chain of command keeps everyone in the loop When to go above a link in the chain
Having a position does not entitle an individual to trust OR respect Build relationships with others Earns trust and respect of others Results, Results, Results
Leadership hat is ALWAYS on Allows for trust and respect in relationships with students and superiors Increases your reputation with others Stand out as a leader
ALWAYS on ALWAYS watching ALWAYS evaluated Standards are HIGHER Expectations are HIGHER Results carry MORE weight
Maintain Professionalism Only the first three sentences of an is read then a decision is made to continue reading or to delete Relay the message soon and in as few words as possible
If sending an when emotional, put it away and come back at a later time Use caution with tone Correct grammar, punctuation and capitalization Have someone proof your for all of the above BEFORE you send
To: CC: BC: Forward: Forward all: EVERYONE sees your