Où est le parc?
Starter Match the vocabulary with the pictures.
Objectives Know the correct forms of à + article. Be able to say where you are going. Be able to say where you are.
What does it mean..? à
What is the rule?
Mime Game Je suis à la gym.
What is the difference... Between “je vais” and “je suis” ? Are they always in the present tense?
Grammar exercise... Try exercise 1 If you finish, try exercise 2
Correction How many did you get right?
Homework Learn the vocabulary for places in town and how to say you ARE in a place, or you’re GOING to a place. DUE: 9/3/11 – there will be a short test.
Tell me... 1 thing that was difficult 2 things that you want to ask next time 3 things that you did well