1 New Orleans, LA July 31, 2007 Randy Helmick Vice President, Transmission Business Entergy Transmission Planning Summit
2 Progress Toward Target Zero Transmission RAI/LWDIR YTD 43% Decrease 30% Decrease 1 st Year of Trans Safety Dept. T&D Recombination
3 Progress Toward Target Zero Transmission Contractors RAI/LWDIR YTD 22% Decrease 68% Decrease
4 Compliance with Industry Standards/Practices Entergy’s transmission planning process adheres to the Company’s and industry’s principles regarding reliability, safety, and comparability. This philosophy also applies to other Transmission-related functions such as design, operations, and maintenance. In April 2007, SERC audited Entergy on its compliance with planning-related NERC Reliability Standards. SERC found Entergy to be in full compliance and indicated several notable work practices that Entergy employs. Entergy’s continued focus will be compliance with the industry standards and the subsequent changes/successors to those standards.
5 Transmission Investments Nearly $2.8 billion Nearly $2.8 billion spent from 2000 through 2006! Total ($MM) Transmission O&M Expense657.0 Distribution Substation O&M Expense95.9 Total Transmission Business O&M Expense752.9 Transmission Capital Additions1,456.8 Distribution Substation Capital Additions442.5 Total Transmission Business Capital1,899.3 IPP (Reimbursement CIAC)120.3 Total Transmission Business Capital (Inc. CIAC)2,019.6 Transmission (O&M + Capital)2,234.1 Dsub (O&M + Cap538.4 Total Transmission Business (O&M + Capital)2,772.5
6 Sample Major Transmission Investments RECENTLY COMPLETED PROJECTS Perryville-related upgrades (ELL/EMI) –New Perryville-Sterlington 500 kV line –New Ray Braswell 500/230 kV auto –Upgrade of Ray Braswell-North Side-Rex Brown 230 kV line Amite South Import (ASI) Improvement Plan (ELL) –New Conway-Panama 230 kV line Western Region Reliability Improvement Plan (EGSI-LA) –New China-Porter 230 kV line –New Porter 230/138 kV auto –300 MVAr SVC at Porter –Series compensation on China-Porter 230 kV line –Upgrade of Amelia-China 230 kV line Installation of 3 rd 500/115 kV auto at Perryville (ELL) Hilltop 161 kV switching station (EAI-SPA interconnection) PLANNED PROJECTS * ASI Improvement Plan: Phase 2 (ELL) ASI Improvement Plan: Phase 3 (ELL/EGSI-LA) Downstream of Gypsy Transmission Improvements: Phase 3 (ELL/ENOI) Cabot 500/115kV Substation (EAI) * Projects are subject to regulatory and/or Company review. Some projects still required detailed scoping and analysis. Thus, proposed in-service dates could change.
7 Transmission System Metrics 2006 Transmission Availability Composite Scores (TACS)
8 Transmission Line SAIFI
9 Transmission SAIDI
10 Meeting Customer Needs Entergy’s objective is to meet the transmission needs of all of our customers. The Transmission Planning Summit gives us an opportunity to share our planning process and transmission expansion plan with all interested parties. Since November 2006, Entergy has enhanced its transmission planning process through the involvement of the ICT. Your inputs are very valuable and will help us make the planning process better.