American Imperialism Building an EMPIRE
Panamanian Revolution America helped Panama break away from which country? – Colombia
We did them a “favor” so we could… Build a CANAL – Cut the cost and time – 99years of access to it is what we got.
This helped get us an EMPIRE Imperialism is when a country tries to have influence all over the world. Not just one or two areas, but MANY.
OPEN DOOR POLICY Our country was producing a lot of stuff throughout the Industrial Revolution. Having a lot of stuff for sale isn’t enough though… you need… – BUYERS!
China A huge population & a lot of economic opportunity. Many nations had “Sphere’s of Influence”. China was divided… The US Wanted to bring it all together as a way to gain access to all those people economically.
Not everyone liked this idea Other nations resisted this idea and felt it was a way to undermine their individual access “Old School” Chinese resisted foreign influence. – Boxer rebellion
It got pushed through because no one formally spoke out against it from the powerful nations (except Japan & Russia)
Open door policy Link
We were being BULLIES around the world Roosevelt said: “speak softly & carry a big stick” -This was our Navy – Great White Fleet
Teddy Roosevelt was making USA presence KNOWN
Last things to make note of Monroe Doctrine: – “stay out of our business, we’ll stay out of yours” Roosevelt Corollary to the M.D.: – “It’s opk for us to get involved in Latin America.. We aren’t trying to build an Empire (wink Wink)”
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