DCS Workshop, CERN MARCH ACORDE (Alice Cosmic ray detector) 60 scintillator modules (120 HV channels) Each module will have two scintillator counters with an active area of 186 x 19 cm 2. A signal from each module will be made from an AND between the two counters
Detector CAEN SY1527 PVSS II Ethernet Database(s) OPC client DIM client 120 High VoltageLow Voltage User interface PVSS II HV Cosmics (ACORDE) Control room (ACR) [FSM?] Crate Control TCP/IP OPC Server PVSS II OPC CLIENT CANBus Wiener OPCserver PVSS II OPC client C VME (wiener? YES) 11 28/02/03 1 E
Cosmics (ACORDE) QUESTIONS High Voltage –1400 – 2000V, 120 channels (=60 modules) –What type of power supplies: 1 CAEN SY1527 –Can the power supplies be placed in the counting room?: yes –What type of HV cable?: HV coaxial cable Low Voltage NO Crate/Equipment Control (?) –Is there any equipment to be controlled/monitored (e.g. VME crates)? YES, WE WILL HAVE ONE VME CRATE TO PLUG IN CRT electronicS modules TO MONITOR SCINTILLATOR COUNTER RATES and set Threshold values Environment monitor: NO –Temperature (other than Front-End), humidity etc. Any other system (calibration, alignment, …)? NO