Internet Usage Between Genders Sophie, Natalie & Ella Year 7 Rossmoyne Senior High School
Question: ‘Do females spend more time on the internet daily than males?’ Aim: To find out which gender uses the internet more Hypothesis: Females spend more time on the internet daily than men. Method: A survey was conducted of 3 Year 7 Math classes on internet usage by gender at Rossmoyne Senior High School. We asked them on average how much time they spent on the internet each day.
Number of hours males and females aged between years old spend on the internet daily. Males (h) Females (h) Total= hours2Total= hours
Frequency of Time Spent on the Internet Time spent on the internet (h)Midpoint Frequencyfx MFMF 0 - < < < < < <
Frequency Time spent on the internet (h) Internet Usage Between Genders
StatisticsMales (h)Females (h) Mean Median2.53 Mode21 Range99 Statistics for Time Spent on the Internet These results show that females have a higher mean and median then males but males have a higher mode and both genders have the same range.
A total of 70 twelve to thirteen year old males and females were surveyed with 35 of each gender. The total time all 35 males surveyed spent on the internet daily was 107 hours. The total time all 35 females surveyed spent on the internet daily was hours. The most frequent time interval that males and females spent on the internet was from 2 to 4 hours. The least frequent time interval spent on the internet for males was 8 to 10 hours and for females it was 10 to 12 hours. Results
Discussion A reason why females spend more time on the internet than males could be because they are known to be much more social than males and therefore like to communicate more. They can do this on the internet using social media e.g. Skype calls, chat sites or with emoticons. In another study, males used the internet more then females but it did not specify which age group. Internet use could change with age. We did not consider how much the parents impacted on the time spent on the internet.
Conclusion 12 to 13 year old females spend more time on the internet then the same aged males at Rossmoyne Senior High school. Evaluation Some errors we made were that: We could have asked if parents had an impact on their internet usage time. We could have also asked for the students to have timed themselves while they were on the internet so we could get the more accurate number. It might have also been better if we found out what the students spent their time on as well.
Bibliography only-plan/ content/uploads/2013/06/remote-support.png social-networks/