Safe handling of Raw Veggies ans Fresh-squeezed Fruit andVeggie Juice
Avoiding Foodborne Risk Buying Tips for Fresh Produce –Avoid bruised or damaged produce –Fresh cut produce (1/2 watermelon or bagged mixed salad – Choose those refrigerated or on ice –Bag fresh fruit/veggies separately
Storage Tips for Fresh Produce Perishable fresh fruits and veggies –Store at 40° F or below
Preparation tips for Fresh Fruits Cut away damaged or bruised areas Wash before eating or peeling Scrub firm produce (cucumber / melons) Dry with clean soft towel or paper towel
Separate for Safety Keep Raw veggies/fruits separate from raw meat, poultry and seafood Wash cutting board, counter tops and utensils after use
Safety with fresh squeezed products Pasturized means – processed to kill bacteria Fresh squeezed juices are not pasteurized be aware, drink with care
Q & A about Fresh Produce What is organic produce? –Grown with out using pesticides, fertilizers w/ synthetic ingredients –What does “use by” date mean?