Current use of technology in the classroom: Use of SMARTboard/LCD projector for lessons Use of probeware/graphing software (excel and datastudio) Use of electronic hand-in and hand-out folders on Shared Drive Use of to contact parents Use of internet site to post class notes/curriculum (gmail) Use of powerschool for grades/attendance/etc use of laptops/computers for research use of power points for lessons integrating simulations/youtube into lessons to demonstrate ideas aliant video to teach certain outcomes or reinforce. SMARTboard notebook for quizzes/questioning understanding
Websites/Online Resources : menclature/quizes.htmlhttp:// menclature/quizes.html htmlhttp:// html 7/js/names/dnames.htmhttp:// 7/js/names/dnames.htm use.html use.html
Styles 1.Hands on learning: Probeware – represents labs for hands on learning/discovering Cooperative Learning – sheets of paper (group work – jig saw activity) High Tech – SMARTboard – demos, information delivery –LCD Projector Low Tech – ball and magnets – analogies - demos of concept/principles –marker – use of white board –overhead projector
Learning Style visual (simulations/demonstrations/videos) – written /text instructions Kinesthetic - showing how it is done (activities/demonstration involving movement – relating Ek and Ep in phases to different dance styles)/hands-on/round robins, etc Oral – explaining instructions/videos/movies/simulations
Assessment styles Multiple Intelligences to demonstrate learning: projects/assignments done in variety of format choice so learner can choose.
3 Goals of Course : To integrate technology further for assessment (moodle/online tests/assigments/ischool) To link technologies (iPads/probeware/SMARTboard/etc) To make myself and students comfortable using a variety of technologies and know how to efficiently incorporate it into curriculum…more bang for the buck.
TECHNOLGY INTEGRATION IS…. using technology to enhance or expand learning and assessment opportunities for the students.
MY CLASSROOM USE OF TECHNOLOGY IS THE FOLLOWING: SMARTboard Laptop/computers Cd base resources for demos/simulation/textbook/questions/practice/virtual labs Probeware for labs Graphing software Word Processing Power Points YouTube
Technology Use In Classroom
MY IDEAL CLASSROOM LOOKS LIKE…. Where students are engaged and take charge of their learning. A seamless use of high tech (computers,internet,) with low tech (books, pencil, whiteboard, charts) where students and I feel comfortable going paperless (electronic submission of work/handing out material) and know how to access information that they need to know when they need it.