Mobility Pattern Aware Routing for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks Chia-Chen Hung ∗, Hope Chan†, and Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu ∗ ∗ Dept. of Computer Science.


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Presentation transcript:

Mobility Pattern Aware Routing for Heterogeneous Vehicular Networks Chia-Chen Hung ∗, Hope Chan†, and Eric Hsiao-Kuang Wu ∗ ∗ Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Central University, Chung-Li, Taiwan, R.O.C. † Network & Multimedia Institute, Institute for Information Industry, Taiwan, R.O.C 黎引得 陳 靖

Outline Introduction Background Mobility Pattern Aware Routing(MPAR) for Heterogeneous Vehicular Network(HVN) Performance Evaluation Conclusion 2/25

Introduction Several wireless network technologies (e.g. VANET, WMAN) that support V2V and R2V service can be applied to the communication system of the ITS. Reliable data transmission challenges ▫High mobility of vehicle ▫Geographic restriction ▫Traffic density 3/25

Introduction In this paper, we propose a Heterogeneous Vehicular Network (HVN) architecture that integrates the advantages of the WMAN and VANET. The Mobility Pattern Aware Routing Protocol (MPARP) for HVN to provide more reliable V2V service. 4/25

Background A. WMAN and VANET technology WMAN ▫High capacity (15Mbps) ▫Different types of quality services ▫Larger transmission range (15km) VANET ▫Data rates of 6Mbps ▫communication distance to 300m 5/25

Background B. Ad Hoc Network and Routing Protocols Topology based routing ▫Proactive (e.g. DSDV) ▫On-demand routing(e.g. DSR, AODV) Position-based routing ▫e.g. GPSR C. Heterogeneous Wireless Network ▫Cellular network (WWAN), WMANs, WLANs, and WPANs 6/25

Mobility Pattern Aware Routing for Heterogeneous Vehicular Network Heterogeneous Vehicular Network (HVN) Architecture Proposed Routing Algorithm 7/25

HVN Architecture 8/25

Proposed Routing Algorithm 1) Message Format 2) Routing Metrics 3) Routing Maintenance 4) Dependent Vehicular Group (DVG) 5) Terminology 6) Mobility metrics 9/25

1) Message Format Position update message: ▫ Route request message: ▫ Route reply message: ▫ Route refresh message: ▫ 10/25

BS 2) Routing Metrics 11/25 DVG VSVS VTVT TF B

3) Routing Maintenance 12/25 BS DVG VSVS FT

4) Dependent Vehicular Group (DVG) The basic idea of DVG is to check whether vehicles on the route path can construct a vehicular group which has higher average degree of spatial dependency, higher average degree of temporal dependency and lower relative speed (RS). 13/25

5)Terminology RD(v 1 (t 1 ), v 2 (t 2 )): relative direction between the two velocity vectors SR(v 1 (t 1 ), v 2 (t 2 )): speed ratio between the two velocity vectors R: transmission range of an interface N: number of vehicles in DVG. D i,j (t): distance between vehicles i and j at time t. 14/25

Average degree of spatial dependency: D spatial (i, j, t) = RD(v i (t), v j (t)) ∗ SR(v i (t), v j (t)) D i,j (t) > c 1 ∗ R ⇒ D spatial (i, j, t) =0. P is the number of tuples (i, j, t) such that Dspatial(i, j, t) 0 6) Dependency 15/25

6) Dependency Average degree of temporal dependency D temporal (i, t 1, t 2 ) = RD(v i (t 1 ), v i (t 2 )) ∗ SR(v i (t 1 ),v i (t 2 )) where P is the number of tuples (i, t1, t2) such that Dtemporal(i, t1, t2) 0. 16

Relative speed: RS(i, j, t) = If we get the relative speed, we can calculate the link lifetime between two vehicles as below: Link lifetime: 17/25 6) Dependency

Performance Evaluation Simulation model 18/2 5

Heterogeneous Vehicular Network(HVN) Communication Scenario 19/25

Packet Delivery Ratio 20/25

Number of Link Breaks: 21/25

Instant Throughput: 22/25

Instant Delay of MPARP: 23/25

Conclusion In this paper, we introduce a new Heterogeneous Vehicular Network (HVN) architecture and propose a Mobility Pattern Aware Routing Protocol (MPARP) which well suites for high dynamic vehicular network environment. The simulation results show that MPARP can provide the reliable route path forV2V communication. 24/2 5

討論問題 1. 環境太過簡單理想化 2. 既然有 BS 輔助傳輸,那何必需要點對點傳輸直 接用 BS 傳送不是比較快?且鍊節的穩定度方面也 比較好? 3. 在國外荒郊野外,到一個沒有 BS 的地方,該怎 麼辦 ? 25/25

Thank you for your attention!! 26/2 5