Honors Program For anyone who wants an additional challenge You can apply for admission to the UMN Honors Program after freshman year, GPA >= 3.5 Your degree will say “Cum Laude”, “Magna Cum Laude”, or “Summa Cum Laude”, depending on GPA and honors experiences Great way to interact with faculty by conducting independent research Looks good on your resume
Requirements Apply and admitted to the University Honors Program GPA in last 60 graded credits of at least –3.5 for cum laude, 3.66 for magna cum laude, 3.75 for summa cum laude Complete three Honors Experiences in last two years –Contract with prof to do extra work in a course –Take an 8xxx level course –Present at a scientific meeting Take two honors courses in last two years Complete an honors thesis –2-semester independent project under supervision of a faculty member –You pick the faculty member
Integrated BS/MS program Get your Bachelors and Masters in five years Streamlined graduate school admissions GPA 3.25 or better Apply when within 32 credits (more or less) of graduation Apply June 15 or October 15 An amazing deal!