Shelton School District Bilingual Instruction Program Presentation to Board of Directors Shelton School District September 8, 2009 Gail Straus, Assistant Director, Special Services
ELL K-12 Students SSD 10 year enrollment history 291% increase
Federal Accountability for English Language Learners (ELL) AMAO Annual Measurable Achievement Objective Based on student performance in English reading, writing, listening, speaking As measured by the WLPT (Washington Language Proficiency Test) WLPT has 4 levels 1: Beginning/Advanced Beginning 2: Intermediate 3: Advanced 4: Transitional
AMAO #1 and #2 AMAO #1 Annual increase in the percentage of children making progress in learning English. AMAO #2 Annual increase in the percentage of children attaining English proficiency.
Shelton School District AMAO Achievement AMAO #1: Increase in percentage of children learning English YearState Target SSD met? %Yes %Yes %Yes %Yes (85%)
AMAO #1: Annual increases in the number of percentages of children making progress in learning English. AMAO #1 District and School Level Results District and School WLPT-II Match Student Data and AMAO 1 Determination Number of ELLs Making Gains Number of Matched Records Percent Meeting AMAO Met AMAO 1 70% Target Shelton SD %Yes Evergreen Elementary %Yes Shelton High School151694%Yes Bordeaux Elementary22100%Yes Mountain View Elementary11100%Yes CHOICE Alternative11100%Yes Oakland Bay Jr. High6967%No Olympic Middle School182090%Yes
Shelton School District AMAO Achievement AMAO #2: Increase in percentage of children attaining English proficiency YearState Target SSD met? %Yes %Yes %Yes %Yes (204%)
AMAO #2: Annual increases in the number of percentages of children attaining English proficiency. AMAO 2 District and School WLPT-II Level Test Results Percent Meeting AMAO 2 45% Target District and Schools Invalid Test Scores Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Total Students Tested Number of Students Scheduled to Exit Exit Target 45% Met Level 4 Percent Met AMAO 2 Target Shelton SD %
Number of Shelton SD Students Meeting “Transitional” Level on WLPT T = 25 T = 47T = 45
Of the total exited students: % of students meeting Level 4 by Grade 5 % of students meeting Level 4 by Grade 7
Evergreen Elementary – WASL Reading Trends 3 rd Grade LEP Students YearSchoolDistrictState %8.7%30.8% %33.3%27.1% %34.6%30.8% % 33.6%
Evergreen Elementary – WASL Math Trends 3 rd Grade LEP Students YearSchoolDistrictState %26.1%29.9% %30.3%32.5% %34.6%34.4% % 28.6%
Evergreen Elementary – WASL Reading Trends 4 th Grade LEP Students YearSchoolDistrictState % 24.0% % % 23.7% % % 46.2% % 50.2% % 37.4% %34.6%31.2% % 32.1%
Evergreen Elementary – WASL Math Trends 4 th Grade LEP Students YearSchoolDistrictState % 11.6% % % 19.9% % % 25.2% % 24.0% % 17.6% %8.0%15.0% % 14.3%
Evergreen Elementary – WASL Reading Trends 5 th Grade LEP Students YearSchoolDistrictState %26.7%26.8% % 21.8% % 31.0% %47.1%27.5%
Evergreen Elementary – WASL Math Trends 5 th Grade LEP Students YearSchoolDistrictState %13.3%12.2% % 12.9% % 20.5% %41.2%17.7%