ESEA Flexibility: Achievement Maryland Accountability Program Presentation 4 of 8
Lillian M. Lowery, Ed.D. State Superintendent of Schools Dr. Charlene M. Dukes President, Maryland State Board of Education Martin O'Malley Governor Carolyn M. Wood, Ph.D. Assistant Superintendent Division of Accountability, Assessment, and Data Systems Maryland State Department of Education Division of Accountability, Assessment, and Data Systems 200 West Baltimore Street Baltimore, Maryland 2
Maryland Accountability Program 3 School Progress Reduce by half the percentage of students in the “all students” group and in each subgroup who are not proficient within six years School Progress Index Achievement Growth Gap Reduction College & Career Readiness Differentiated Recognition Reward Priority Focus
33.3%- Mathematics Proficiency (Algebra/ Data Analysis HSA) 33.3%- English Proficiency (English HSA) 33.3%- Science Proficiency (Biology HSA) Achievement* 40% Gap* College-and Career-Readiness** 40% 20% 60%- Cohort Graduation Rate 40%- College and Career Preparation (CCP) Advanced Placement Career and Technology Education (CTE) Concentrators College Enrollment Gap between lowest subgroup and highest subgroup within a school: 20%- Mathematics Proficiency (Algebra/ Data Analysis HSA) 20%- English Proficiency (English HSA) 20%- Science Proficiency (Biology HSA) 20%- Cohort Graduation Rate 20%- Cohort Dropout Rate Gap* 40% 33.3%- Mathematics Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Reading Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Science Proficiency (MSA) 50%- Mathematics Proficiency (MSA) 50%- Reading Proficiency (MSA) Gap between lowest subgroup and highest subgroup within a school: Achievement* 30% Growth* 30% 33.3%- Mathematics Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Reading Proficiency (MSA) 33.3%- Science Proficiency (MSA) Percent of students making one year’s growth: *ALT-MSA is included in the index component **Revised 9/17/2012: To be submitted to USDE for Approval Maryland School Progress Index** Grades 9-12 Grades PreK-8 Meeting Performance Targets (AMO) Meeting Performance Targets (AMO) 4
SPI Indicator: Achievement PreK-8 Grades 9-12 MSA Math Proficiency MSA Reading Proficiency MSA Science Proficiency HSA Algebra Proficiency HSA English Proficiency HSA Biology Proficiency Percentage of “all students” group scoring proficient or advanced on Maryland standardized assessments progressing toward targets 5
Achievement Targets – Reading, Mathematics and Science Proficiency AMOs Proficiency rates based on 2010–2011 assessments used as the baseline for setting AMOs 50% reduction of “all students” who are not proficient by 2017 Target increases in equal increments for 6 years For “all students” at the school level with a 90% or higher baseline the corresponding LEA level AMO will be used Unless the LEA is higher than the school level 6
PreK-8 Proficiency Population Content areas include Reading, Mathematics, and Science Former AYP population rules apply Test Takers meeting the following conditions: Full Academic Year LEP Exempt 1% and 2% Rule for Alt and Mod assessment contributions With the exception… Non-participants are included WITHIN the aggregated population as Basic 7
PreK-8 Proficiency Calculation NumeratorDenominator MSA/ModMSA Advanced, Proficient MSA, ModMSA Advanced, Proficient, and Basic ++ AltMSA Advanced, Proficient AltMSA Advanced, Proficient, and Basic + MSA, ModMSA, AltMSA Nonparticipants == Proficient Count÷Member Count=Percent Proficient Member Count – Full Academic Year participating students plus the Full Academic Year non-participant students 8
Grades 9-12 Proficiency Population Content areas include English, Algebra, and Biology Former AYP population rules apply (See HSSC Manual for details) 12 Grade Population Current 10 th Grade AltMSA population HSA and ModHSA Scale Scores 12 th Grade Certificate students the year they earn a certificate 1% and 2% Rule for Alt and Mod assessment contributions With the exception… Non-participants are included WITHIN the aggregated population as Basic Former AYP Exclusions apply (See HSSC Manual for details) Modified HSA +Plus student scores Student who received course credit (Status 05) Second Semester Transfer Students (Status 08) AltMSA Identified students in the HSSC file with Y or T indicator (AltMSA data retrieved from AltMSA vendor file) Linking Study student scores from the May 2008 administration Foreign Exchange students 9
Grades 9-12 Proficiency Calculation NumeratorDenominator HSA/ModHSA Passed HSA/ModHSA Passed and Failed ++ Substitute Test ++ AltMSA Advanced, Proficient AltMSA Advanced, Proficient, and Basic + HSA/ModHSA/AltMSA Nonparticipants = = Proficient Count ÷ Member Count = Percent Proficient 10
SPI Calculation Example: Elementary School VariableAchievementGapGrowth AssessmentMathReadSciMathReadSciMathRead % Proficient CY Target % Prof of Target Content Weight Weighted % Prof of Target Indicator Weight Indicator Contribution School Index % Prof of Target = % Proficient CY ÷ Target Weighted % Prof of Target= % Prof of Target x Content Weight Indicator Contribution= (Math + Read + Sci) x Indicator Weight School Index= (Achievement + Growth + Gap)
Maryland Accountability Program 12 School Progress Reduce by half the percentage of students in the “all students” group and in each subgroup who are not proficient within six years School Progress Index Achievement Growth Gap Reduction College & Career Readiness Differentiated Recognition Reward Priority Focus
Questions? Please forward questions and comments to: Doug Strader, Ed.D