NuLeAF Seminar NDA Integrated Waste Management Strategy Programme update 24 th October 2012
2 Integrated Waste Management LLWILWHLW
3 Past Practices
4 HAW Baseline (Each site) Retrievals Treatment, conditioning & packaging, Interim storage GDF HAW Strategy GDF Characterise Sort and Segregation Opportunities LLWR / Exempt Consider Options Site solutions: e.g. Treatment Decay storage Support to risk reduction programmes Robust storage UK Solutions: e.g. Waste processing services Consolidated Storage including decay storage (..where required) Select optimised storage regime: Package & Store Alternative Disposal Option(s) NOT FOR SCOTTISH WASTE
5 Products A)HAW Treatment –Thermal treatment –Regional and Mobile Treatment B)HAW Storage –Long term storage guidance –Storage co-location and consolidation –Self shielding containers C)HAW Disposal –Geological disposal –Other HAW disposal options (Scottish HAW Policy)
6 Products D)Waste Groups –Graphite waste management –Alpha waste management E)LLW Disposal –VLLW and lower activity waste –Environmental Safety Case –Ensuring best use of LLWR into the future F)Support to other NDA Themes –Decommissioning strategies –On-site disposal –Co-location
7 Products G)Revised NDA Strategy Documents –IWM Plan –NDA Strategy III Others –Support to Scottish Government on Higher Activity Waste Strategy –Integrated Waste Strategies –Discharges: how OSPAR commitments affect our strategic decision making
ILW Storage at Magnox 8
9 Waste storage - Storage concepts Thin walled package Shielded store Shielded package Thin walled store
10 Waste storage - Storage concepts MiniStores ContainerRWMD Container
Stakeholder engagement Project has just been initiated and involves Magnox and EdF Energy sites The work will take into consideration other Magnox strategic programmes Programme rather than individual task approach to Stakeholder Engagement 12
ILW / LLW Cross-Boundary Wastes Slides courtesy of LLWR 13
ILW / LLW Cross-Boundary wastes defined as those wastes at either side of the LLW radiological classification boundary that could practicably be managed either as LLW or ILW. Wide range of management approaches can be employed (e.g. decay storage, decontamination, encapsulation, optimised disposal etc.) Similarly diverse range of factors used by SLCs to optioneer management approach for their wastes (e.g. cost, schedule, ALARP, environmental factors, waste characteristics, availability of waste route etc.) SLCs have indicated that there is an absence of centralised guidance on the factors to consider when making waste management decisions for cross- boundary wastes. LLWR led task Issue
Elements of position paper Inventory Review Lifecycle cost model Compilation of non-cost decision making factors Pros / Cons of management approaches Decision-making logic (“toolkit”) showing relationships between factors and if / how combinations of factors drive certain decisions. OUTPUT – Position paper and recommendations on the management of waste close to LLW / ILW categorisation boundary.