Our Life in Italy Brandon Fuoco and Josue Guzman Tech Team 3-313
Introduction Dear Mom and Dad, Thank you for sending us to visit our grandparents in Rome, Italy. We are having fun and will see you back in Sicily soon.
Hi this is Brandon and Josue and this is where our grandparents live. Our favorite snack bar is Pepys's bar. We love the hot chocolate!
Next morning we went to the Leaning Tower of Pisa. We saw all the beautiful drawings. Then, we relaxed and watched all the people walking up the tower. Later on as we were walking we saw the kids outside playing soccer. Me and Josue played soccer but we lost 2-1.
The next day at 9:00pm we went to the Coliseum and saw the other side of the Coliseum that was broken in half. Josue and me noticed that the out side of the Coliseum was dark and the inside was bright. And in the morning the outside of the Coliseum was shiny and bright and the inside was dark. Then we took a walk around the Coliseum.
Me and Josue are so happy because it’s Christmas and we hope we get these things for Christmas: toys, video games, and two laptops. Well, we didn't get the presents that we wanted so we were mad and went to bed and cried.
Later on we went to our grandma’s house and we ate crackers with butter and it was tasty. Grandma gave us hot chocolate and it was rich and flavorful.
Next day we went to grandpa’s house. It was lots of fun., but not that fun because we were squished in grandpa’s Smart Car. It was a boring visit because Grandpa doesn’t have things to play with.
Next we ate pasta and we were happy to eat. Later on we ate olives and they were so salty. We drank coca cola and had more food. Pizza with extra cheese, yummy! Next we ate Italian ice cream. My flavor was vanilla bean and Josué's flavor was vanilla.
Well today was the last day in Rome. Our trip was lots of fun. We took magazines to read and relax for the last day of our trip.We will miss our family. We said ``good- bye” and we cried on the plane.
Dear Mom and Dad, Hope you enjoyed our slideshow of our vacation. Love, Brandon and Josue Love, Brandon and Josue