1/23/20161 Traffic Calming Devices Workshop Prepared by City Engineering Department
1/23/20162 Project Goals Purpose of workshop Types of TDCs Available Considerations Recommendations and Analysis Informational Items NE 8 th & 10 th Avenues Considerations Discussion Review existing City policy
1/23/20163 Purpose of Workshop Discuss the different types of TDCs available and their applicability for use throughout the City Solicit input of preferences from the community and the Commission Discuss and comments
1/23/20164 Types of TDCs Available Passive Controls –Warning signs –Speed limit signs –Caution signs –Speed radar signs –Radar boards –Police speed enforcement
1/23/20165 Types of TDCs Available Active Controls - Vertical or horizontal deflections –Speed bumps –Speed humps –Speed pillows –Speed tables –Raised intersections –Intersection islands –Roundabouts –Splitter islands –Narrowed lanes –Lane offsets
1/23/20166 Considerations Impact to neighborhoods Thru traffic Emergency vehicles response times Fire rescue response times Garbage truck pickup Delivery vehicles Pedestrian safety Aesthetics Cost of implementation and maintenance Transfer of problems to other areas Noise impacts due to stopping and accelerating
1/23/20167 Recommendation and Analysis Discussion of the following - Passive Controls - Active Controls - Vertical or horizontal deflections –Speed bumps –Speed humps –Speed pillows –Speed tables –Raised intersections –Intersection islands –Roundabouts –Splitter islands –Narrowed lanes –Lane offsets
1/23/20168 Passive Controls
1/23/20169 Speed bumps & humps
1/23/ Speed pillows
1/23/ Speed tables
1/23/ Raised intersections
1/23/ Intersection islands
1/23/ Roundabouts
1/23/ Splitter islands
1/23/ Narrowed lanes
1/23/ Lane offsets
1/23/ Informational Items Present TDCs being installed - Speed Tables per BCTD Standard Coordination with Fire and Police - Emergency response impacts Majority of installs based on residents request TDCs have a positive impact on crime prevention
1/23/ NE 8 th and NE 10 th Avenues Considerations Options to conversion from one way to two way traffic - Install speed tables on each avenue to slow traffic - Eliminate the NB thru movement from the 10 th Ave. signal to reduce cut thru traffic - Eliminate the SB and NB left turns at 8 th Ave. leaving only the WB left for Sage plaza or eliminate the signal all together
1/23/ Discussion Discussion of presentation and input from residents and Commission
1/23/ Review Existing City Policy Review of existing policy for potential changes