1 Lacolle/Champlain Border Zone Rehabilitation Project Benoit Cayouette Ministère des transports du Québec and Gerard Cioffi New York State Department of Transportation Presented to: Transportation Border Working Group June 11,2003 New York State Department of Transportation
2 Overview Background Issues and Challenges Partnerships Infrastructure Activities –Long Term –Short Term Technology Activities I-87/Autoroute 15 Corridor Study Conclusions
3 Agreed statement Border transportation is about: Security and economic activity Must be addressed in tandem
4 Regional Map
5 Lacolle/Champlain Border Crossing An important border crossing point for the economic activities of Québec and Northeastern part of United States A steady growth of volume since 1990 Efficiency is the key to maintain this important link for economic trade
8 Transborder trucking characteristics Considered as the most flexible transportation system Enough trucks and carriers to answer the demand Fair competition results in a fair price for clients Well adapted to « just in time » delivery system Flexible route on a well developed road network A highly competitive industry
9 Transborder trucking characteristics Trucking is particularly sensitive to external environment such as –Variation of fuel cost (represents up to 30% of expenses) –Various kinds of non planned delays have immediate impact on profits –Complexity to apply all the different standards and regulations –Lack of drivers A fragile industry
10 Trucking : A strategic activity There would be serious consequences if trucks were to stop delivering, for example : –Drivers strike at Port of Montréal in 2000 –Delays following September 11
11 Border Crossing Issues Problems –Traffic congestion –Safety Causes –Inadequate infrastructure Roadways Inspection facilities –More rigorous inspection processes
12 Challenges Find the right balance between security, safety and traffic operations Coordinate activities of myriad agencies –Infrastructure improvements for immediate and future needs –More effective and efficient inspection processes MTQ and NYSDOT have taken on the challenge –Team effort –Establish links among stakeholders
13 Quebec – New York Partnership Premier and Governor Meetings –May 2002 Economic Summit MTQ Minister and NYSDOT Commissioner Meetings MTQ/NYSDOT Interagency Working Group –Infrastructure –Commercial Vehicle Operations
14 Additional Partners and Stakeholders Federal Highway Administration, General Services Administration and Department of Homeland Security Transport Canada and Canadian Customs and Revenue Agency New York State Police and SAAQ Québec and New York Chambers of Commerce Shippers, brokers and trucking associations
15 Champlain Lacolle SB Operations
16 Champlain Lacolle NB Operations
17 Early Actions License Plate Readers Variable Message Signs in Plaza Queue-End Warning System –CCTV –Traffic Detectors –VMS on Approaches Infrastructure
18 Long Term Actions State-Of-The-Art Border Station –Infrastructure –Smart Border Elements –ITS and CVO Elements $75 M (CAN) for infrastructure improvements along Autoroute 15 I-87/Autoroute 15 Corridor Study –Multi-Modal –Infrastructure –High Tech Corridor
19 Current Champlain Design
20 Current Lacolle Design
21 Short Term Actions NEXUS and FAST Booths Approach Lanes Signing
22 Champlain-Lacolle SB Improvements
23 Champlain–Lacolle NB Improvements
24 Wave of the Future : Use of technologies We are observing the following: Growth in: –Level of controls performed on trucks –Resources dedicated to perform these controls Saturation of: –Highway infrastructures –Capacity for processing all the needed controls –Number of people available due to financial capacity
25 Wave of the Future: Use of technologies Solution technologies
26 Use of technologies Technologies are available Culture and state of mind to review Two main observations:
27 Example of technologies implementation Implementation of truck safety inspection facilities at Lacolle and Champlain –In accordance with one-stop-shop concept –Trucks are checked before using the road network, preventing incidents –Establishes reciprocity between Québec and New York facilities
28 Example of technologies implementation Without technologies, implementation of truck inspection facilities at the Plaza would have a negative impact on traffic by increasing delays : – The solution : control based performances on risk management for the minority of carriers. use of the proper technologies to preselect potential offenders
29 Example of pre selection model Stay in right lane WIMWIM Custom facilities captor Antenne 3 Compliance reader Antenne 4 Static scale reader Truck inspection facilities Weight station VMS Caméra VMS* Approach reader group Antenna 2 Advanced reader Antenna 1 Advanced reader Weight in motion scale * EMV:Variable message signage Theortical model (not to scale)
30 I87/A15 Multimodal Corridor Study
31 I87/A15 Corridor Study Purpose Provide a comprehensive, multi-modal assessment Identify corridor issues and emerging opportunities Build on strengths of existing transportation network to maximize the efficient movement of people and goods Develop Smart/High Tech Corridor Maximize the potential for continued economic development and expansion
32 Study Effort Commenced March 2003 Twelve month effort Primary efforts –Progress at three levels: big picture, corridor wide, refinements –Key corridor issues and opportunities –Refined project area study elements –Improvement strategies –High speed rail pre-feasibility study
33 Conclusions Need to balance security, safety and fluidity Growth in trade will continue to pose a challenge Infrastructure improvements remain vital to effort Technologies need to be part of the solution
34 Conclusions Success mandates a collaborative process among all stakeholders More effective and efficient inspection processes Flexible protocol for sharing information Above all, culture change is required