What is happening at AAPL? The latest news about your organization.
60 th Annual Meeting June 25 – 28, 2014 Montreal Quebec, Canada Webpage coming soon! Registration opens January 21, 2014!
Association Marketing Videos (Industry Awareness Campaign) AAPL has unveiled association marketing videos that will educate the industry on: 1. What is AAPL and why become a member? 2. Why is it important to become a certified landman? 3. What is the Member Mark and why use it?
Association Marketing Videos Click to view! Why Become a member?Why become a certified landman? What is the Member Mark? Why use it?
Association Marketing Videos Where Can I Find It? AAPL YouTube Channel AAPL Facebook account /americaslandmen AAPL Twitter Account Topic: #WeAreAAPL
Meet Us (Public Awareness Campaign) AAPL produced a public awareness campaign that educates the general public on the roles of an American Landman and why they are vital to the industry.
Meet Us Campaign Click to view!
Meet Us Campaign Where Can I Find It? America’s Landman website America’s Landman YouTube Channel AAPL Facebook account /americaslandmen AAPL Twitter Account Topic: #MeetUsAAPL
The AAPL publications keep you in the know on the latest industry hot topics, landmen in action and the associations efforts to better serve you, the American landman! -Landman Magazine -Landman 2 mini-magazine -LandLine e-newsletter -Annual Report Stay in the know with AAPL!