Moving the pretty pictures into the 21th century Lars Lindberg Christensen (ESA/ESO)
The problem The Terabyte data stream: “The public needs guidance in an entirely new 3D cosmos” (T. Kraupe) As a first step how do we better share resources internally? Ultimately, how do we allow the public better access to images, videos and other materials?
Implementation 1.Central coordinating organisation: IAU WG on Communicating Astronomy? 2.Metadata tags with the pixels (in for instance XML format added with the FITS Liberator) 3.List of Data Holdings (dynamic): yellow pages, Registries that contain metadata about data resources and information services 4.Communication between user and data holding – for instance through the Registry with the help of a VO- style Data Access Layer, such as the Simple Image Access Protocol (SIAP)
Metadata tagging Future: The ESA/ESO/NASA Photoshop FITS Liberator Past + Future: The Virtual Cosmos retrofitting software (L. Frattare)
Metadata categories ID Curation metadata General content Collection and service metadata Data quality metadata Processing
Example ID: 1.Title:Hubble paparazzi: Spies Pamela A. sunbathing 2.ProductIDheic0412a, opo0420b 3.Dataset names ivo://ESO.HST/U2JZ0607B, ivo://ESO.HST/U2JZ0603B, ivo://ESO.HST/ U2JZ0605B, ivo://ESO.HST/U2JZ0601B CURATION METADATA 4.PublisherESA 5.Creator Hubble European Space Agency Information Centre 6.Date Reference 8.Credit ESA & NASA
Example GENERAL CONTENT: 9.ObjectName Messier ObjectUnifiedContentDescriptorGalaxy;stars.cluster.globular 11.Description This spectacular color panorama of the center the Orion nebula is one of the largest pictures ever assembled from individual images taken with the Hubble Space Telescope. The picture, seamlessly composited from a mosaic of 15 separate fields, covers an area of sky about five percent the area covered by the full Moon. 12.Type Artwork 13.Product type image 14.File format tiff 15.Number of exposures 4
Example COLLECTION AND SERVICE METADATA 16.Facility Hubble Space Telescope 17.Instrument WFPC2 18.Coverage.Spatialpolygon (FK5, , 1.25, 235.9, 1.25, 235.9, ,145.17, 1.25) 19.Coverage.Spatial.Dimensions 2100 x 2304 pixels 20.Coverage.Spectral Optical 21.Coverage.Spectral.Bandpass B, V, I 22.Coverage.Temporal.ExposureDate Coverage.Temporal.ExposureTime 320, 300, 700, Rights public
Example DATA QUALITY METADATA 25.ProductQuality 2 PROCESSING: 26.White level Black level Stretch function Log 29.Scale factor Background 2300