Chapter 13, Section 1The Growth of Industrial Prosperity The Second Industrial Revolution * By the mid to late 1800s, manufacturers began applying scientific.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 13, Section 1The Growth of Industrial Prosperity The Second Industrial Revolution * By the mid to late 1800s, manufacturers began applying scientific ideas to business in various areas: 1) Steel production – Bessemer process 2) Chemicals 3) Power a) electricity , Edison invents light bulb b) internal combustion engines , Daimler builds gasoline-powered car 4) Communications a) telegraph - Morse b) telephone , Bell invents telephone c) radio (wireless telegraph) , Marconi sends radio waves across Atlantic * Advances in industry, science, medicine, communications, & transportation led to a higher standard of living for countries leading the way in industrialization.

Organizing the Working Classes * Although early attempts by workers to form workers associations & labor unions met with government opposition, by the mid-1800s industrial workers formed socialist political parties & unions to improve their working conditions. * Working-class leaders formed parties based on the ideas of Karl Marx. * 1848, Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels published The Communist Manifesto which put forth Marxist ideology regarding both economic & social structure: 1) history advanced through conflict 2) social class that controlled production became the ruling class 3) class struggle pushed history forward 4) the proletariat would violently overthrow the bourgeoisie & create a society without classes & class conflict * One form of Marxist socialism was eventually called communism. * Some Marxists (revisionists) rejected the revolutionary program & argued that working with other parties for political & social reform was a better option. * Trade unions (labor unions) also worked for evolutionary, not revolutionary, change. * 1871, British unions gained legal recognition. * By 1914, labor unions had bettered both living and working conditions of the working classes.

Chapter 13, Section 2The Emergence of Mass Society Social Structure of Mass Society * The new wealthy elite (aristocrats, industrialists, bankers, merchants) were at the top of European society. * The middle classes in Europe consisted of a variety of groups who tended to believe in the ideals of hard work and moral conduct. * The European urban working class consisted of skilled artisans, semi-skilled laborers, & unskilled laborers. By the early 1900s, 80% of Europe’s population belonged to the working class.

The Experiences of Women * During the 19th century, women struggled to change their status regarding economic & educational opportunities, social standing, occupational & property rights, and voting rights. 1870, British wives gained greater property rights. * Amalie Sieveking founded the Female Association for the Care of the Poor and Sick in Hamburg, Germany. * Florence Nightingale founded a school of nursing in Britain. * Clara Barton helped transform nursing into a profession of trained, middle-class “women in white.” * Emmeline Pankhurst & her daughters founded the Women’s Social and Political Union in 1903 to fight for women’s suffrage in Britain. Universal Education * Western nations began public education in the late 1800s because: 1) the Second Industrial Revolution created a need for trained, skilled labor, 2) more people gaining the right to vote created a need for better-educated voters, 3) primary schools helped instill patriotism.

Chapter 13, Section 3The National State & Democracy Western Europe & Political Democracy * By the late 19 th century, progress had been made toward establishing constitutions, parliaments, & individual liberties in the major European states. * During the 18oos, the Liberal & Conservative parties in Britain both worked to extend the right to vote to more people thru the Reform Acts of 1832, 1867, & , Labour Party emerged in Britain to represent interests of workers. * In France, the Third French Republic was est. in A premier (prime minister), who was responsible to the legislative body (ministerial responsibility) led the govt. Central & Eastern Europe: The Old Order * Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Russia pursued policies that were quite different from those of some western European nations. * In Germany, the kaiser & chancellor controlled the govt. By the reign of Kaiser William II, Germany had become the strongest military & industrial power in Europe. * Francis Joseph, the dual monarch of Austria-Hungary, largely ignored the parliamentary system & ministerial responsibility within his empire. * In Russia, Nicholas II began his rule believing that the absolute power of the czars should be preserved. * Eventually, Nicholas II was forced to grant civil liberties & create a legislative body called the Duma after the Revolution of 1905 broke out due to “Bloody Sunday.”

The United States & Canada * Between 1870 & 1914, the U.S. became an industrial power with a foreign empire. Canada faced problems of national unity during this period. * The 13 th, 14 th, & 15 th amendments to the U.S. Constitution all affected former slaves by abolishing slavery, giving citizenship to formerly enslaved African Americans, & giving the right to vote to African American males. * The U.S. annexed Hawaii in 1898 after deposing Queen Liliuokalani. * Also in 1898, the U.S. defeated Spain in the Spanish-American War & acquired Puerto Rico, Guam, & the Philippines. * While Canada expanded territorially from the Atlantic to the Pacific during the 1800s, unity in Canada was difficult to achieve due to the distrust between the English-speaking & French-speaking peoples of Canada.

Chapter 13, Section 4Toward the Modern Consciousness * 1905, Albert Einstein introduced the theory of relativity, stating that space & time are relative to the observer. * Marie Curie’s experimentation with radium & other radioactive elements changed the worlds view of the atom. * Sigmund Freud believed human behavior was strongly determined by repressed experiences. Freud developed method known as psychoanalysis to probe deeply into a patient’s memory. 1900, Freud published The Interpretation of Dreams. * Social Darwinism claimed that social progress comes from survival of the strong & fit. * Anti-Semitism, hostility & discrimination against Jews, increased throughout Europe, but especially in Eastern Europe. * Zionist movement developed which called for a Jewish national homeland. * Impressionist painter Claude Monet sought to capture the interplay of light, water, & sky. * Vincent van Gogh was a Postimpressionist painter for whom art was a spiritual experience. * Pablo Picasso created a new style of painting called cubism.


