Unification Timeline 1815 Congress of Vienna 1848 Nationalist revolutions sweep Europe 1852 Cavour becomes Prime Minister of Sardinia 1860 Garibaldi lands in Sicily 1862 Bismarck appointed Minister President 1866 Austro-Prussian War 1870 Franco-Prussian War
Outline Piedmont-Sardinia (Italy) Prussia (Germany) Results
I. Italy Congress of Vienna solidifies patchwork region Emerging nationalistic groups. 1 2 3
I. Italy before unification 1 2 3
I. Guiseppe Mazzini (1805-1872) Italian nationalist Fought for liberal and romantic reasons founded new organization - Young Italy focused on revolution and spreading brotherhood of free peoples felt revolt must come from below attempted revolutions 1837, 41, 43-4, 48 all fail. 1 2 3
I. Camillo Benso di Cavour Kingdom of Piedmont-Sardinia emerges after 1848 Revolutions Cavour: Unification from above chief minister of Piedmont-Sardinia wily, practical politician builds economy and political structure 1858 secret treaty with France, war with Austria northern Italy elects to join Piedmont. 1 2 3
I. Giuseppe Garibaldi Garibaldi’s revolutionary background Garibaldi and his red shirts invade Sicily with 1000 men move from south - prove the validity of Mazzini threat to Rome surrenders south to Piedmont. 1 2 3
I. ITALIAN UNIFICATION Bridge of Teano 1 2 3
I. Piedmont-Sardinia becomes Italy 1870 1860 1866 1859 1815-1858 1 2 3
II. Prussian Reforms after Napoleon Total destruction of Prussian army triggers reform realize a brow beaten army of serfs won’t fight as well as motivated citizens (like the French forces) Reforms keep power in hands of nobles and king. 1 2 3
II. Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) conservative, supporter of strong monarch and aristocratic rights served as ambassador becomes chancellor in 1862 when William I has problems with the Parliament. 1 2 3
II. Otto von Bismarck Orders collection of taxes without authority! Uses money for the army dismisses lower chamber censorship and fires liberals from government jobs assumed inevitable conflict with Austria over leadership in Germany prepares for war. 1 2 3
II. Prussia - 1815 1 2 3
II. Three Wars towards unification Preliminary diplomatic actions isolation notion of real politic avoidance of being the aggressor Schleswig & Holstein (1863) Austro-Prussian War (1866) series of diplomatic maneuvers feeling pressured, Austria launches a pre-emptive strike, allied with most south German states. 1 2 3
II. Three Wars towards unification Austro-Prussian War (1866) Prussian army is quickly assembled and wins decisively policy of a “soft peace” Austria loses no land to Prussia small indemnity lose Venetia to the Italians gain the Hungarian throne - done to avoid harsh feelings because Prussia wants Austria as an ally formation of North German Confederacy (1867). 1 2 3
II. Triumph of Nationalism Press loves a winner Heralded as unifier of Germany (previously a liberal idea) Liberals sacrifice rights for expansion, power and military triumph “Exalt his self esteem toward foreigners and the Prussian forgets whatever bothers him about conditions at home.” Bismarck 1858. 1 2 3
II. German Unification 1 2 3
II. Three Wars towards unification Franco-Prussian War (1870) Spanish crown becomes vacant French and Hohenzollerns place claim Ems Dispatch July 14th, 1870 show south German states the French land demands from the Austro-Prussian war Napoleon III declares war on Prussia 5 days after Ems Dispatch Prussian and German forces are victorious - siege Paris. 1 2 3
III. Aftermath France is forced to give up Alsace and Lorraine France must pay indemnity Prussia occupies Paris harsh treatment builds French resentment and leads to WWI South German states join Prussia - formation of German Empire - January 18, 1871 European balance of power is irrevocably altered. 1 2 3
III. France Humiliated 1 2 3
III. Europe in 1871 1 2 3