Roth Fralick Aaron Kane Jason Zutty Georgia Institute of Technology April 16, 2009
Provide an all-in-one dataglove solution ◦ Emulate an “air guitar” Marketable to a wide range of consumers, from children to HCI researchers Motivation is to make the dataglove more accessible for both learning and fun Create the entire package for $500
ObjectiveImplementation Use induction-based sensors25 turns, 36 gauge magnet wire Convert to digital signalsATMega644’s On chip A/D Converter Send digital signals to computerEIA-232 Convert digital input to MIDI output Pure Data
14 Sensors made from 36 gauge magnet wire using 25 turns Coils positioned on the three phalange of each finger, or two of the thumb
Freeware version of MAX/MSP Used in music technology industry Graphical programming language Ideal for manipulating data Strong MIDI support
Total of $95 in parts per AirBand Glove System ◦ Based on 10,000 units ◦ Approximately $40 per board ◦ $15 per pair of gloves Factoring in labor and overhead $425 total cost per unit Sell at $500 Earn $750,000 profit
ProblemsSolutions High frequency signalsFull-wave rectification Signals below turn on voltagesAmplification Sensor cancellationsMoved sensor positions Poor MIDI support in MATLABPure Data EIA-485 PC compatibilityEIA-232 EIA-232 driver limitSwitched to master/slave configuration
Finished ◦ Completed glove ◦ Gotten successful readings from sensors ◦ Observed clear thresholds
Finished ◦ A/D Worked ◦ Implemented thresholds ◦ PCB laid out and ordered ◦ All parts ordered Working on ◦ Soldering ◦ Finalizing PIC code ◦ Connecting to gloves ◦ Connecting boards together
Finished ◦ Emulated hands ◦ Tested with virtual serial port ◦ Read hands and recognize notes ◦ Output sound Working on ◦ Implementing the final control scheme ◦ Looking into possible modularity
Present demo at Under the Couch Verify glove has correct mappings Demonstrate playability in real time
Wireless Implementation Battery Powered Accelerometer to read hand orientation Distance sensing
Demo by April 30 th Report by April 30 th