Science Learning through Engineering Design SLED Brenda M. Capobianco Department of Curriculum & Instruction November 16, 2010 This project is supported by the National Science Foundation, Grant #
Targeted MSP Focus on studying and solving issues within a specific grade range or at a critical juncture in education, and/or within a specific disciplinary focus in mathematics or the sciences Partnership-Driven Teacher Quality, Quantity and Diversity Challenging Courses and Curricula Evidence-Based Design and Outcomes Institutional Change and Sustainability
SLED Partners Lafayette School Corp. Tippecanoe School Corp. Taylor Community Schools Plymouth Schools Industry Partners
Indiana State Science Standards The Design Process underscores the need for K-12 students to: 1.identify the goal of a design for a real-world problem; and use materials to develop a solution that will meet the goal; 3.draw and plan the solution in a notebook; 4.create the solution; 5.evaluate and test how well the solution meets the goal; 6.document the solution with drawings including labels.
SLED Design Cycle 1 Introduce the problem Identify goals, context, and constraints 2 Develop and share ideas and goals Organize and record results 4 Examine new problems Re-test and improve 3 Communicate evidenced-based results and gather formative feedback
Mitten/Glove Design Example The SLED approach will begin with an inquiry question - “How can we improve the design of gloves and mittens?”
Gr 5 – Designing a better candy bag
Question guiding the SLED Partnership If given the necessary tools and resources, cross- disciplinary support, and instructional time, could elementary/intermediate school teachers (grades 3 – 6) effectively improve students ‘ science achievement through an integrated curriculum based on the use of the engineering design process?
SLED Partnership Goals 1.Create a partnership of university engineers and scientists, teacher educators, teachers, administrators, and community partners to improve science education in grades 3-6 through the integration of engineering design in science teaching and learning. 2.Enhance the quality and quantity, and diversity of in-service and pre-service teachers prepared to utilize engineering design as a means to teach science through authentic, inquiry-based, multi- disciplinary, design projects.
Elementary Teacher Education EDCI 365 Teaching Science in the Elementary School – SPECIAL SECTION Fall 2011/Spring 2012 Sunnyside Middle School Student recruitment – Spring 2011 Application process to participate in the SLED Summer Institute (40 teachers; ~ 5 el ed majors)