Chapter 21 Trigeminal nerve
Nuclei of trigeminal nerve Motor nucleus Sensory nuclei mesencephalic pontine (principal) spinal Muscles of mastication and tensor tympani muscle
Trigeminal (gasserian) ganglion Meckel’s cave
Mastication: supratrigeminal nucleus ? Digastric muscle Ant. Belly: Post. Belly:
Mesencephalic nucleus The only nucleus in CNS contains the cell bodies of primary sensory neurons Propriception from the muscles of mastication
Pontine nucleus (類似: post. column ) Convey the touch and pressure (discriminative tactile) sensation from the oronasal cavity and face. Crossed fibers: trigeminal lemniscus ? Corneal reflex
Spinal nucleus From the lower pons to the upper third cervical segment of the spinal cord Pars oralis Pars interpolaris Pars caudalis (main) mouth Topographic representation
Pain, temperature, crossed fibers, trigeminothalamic tract
Mastication supratrigeminal nucleus proprioception (mesencephalic nucleus) tactile information (pontine nucleus) nociceptive information (spinal nucleus) Trigemincerebellar and trigeminothalamic projection Premotor area Motor nucleus
? Sensation of the ear
Trigeminal nerve Glossopharygeal and vagus nerves Cervical nerves (first three) Referred pain
Trigeminal neuralgia (三叉神經痛)